Tag: Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman stars in "Lady in the Lake," a 1960s period thriller directed by Alma Harel.
The Golden Globes, known for being politically outspoken, is expected to address Israel and Gaza during this year's awards ceremony.
Many celebrities, including Natalie Portman, Sarah Silverman, Bono, Alex Edelman, and others, have spoken out about the Israel-Gaza War.
Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman discuss Anshel Pfeffer's book on Benjamin Netanyahu, debating the impact of Israel's old Labor elite and the significance of Natalie Portman's recent actions in Israel.
In the "What About Natalie? Edition," hosts Noah Efron, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Don Futterman cover three key topics including a discussion with Haaretz correspondent Anshel Pfeffer about his book on Benjamin Netanyahu, debates about the legacy of Israels old Labor elite versus moving forward, and a tribute to the music group Pele Ozen and their new single supporting African refugees in Israel.
In this episode of "Unorthodox," topics discussed include Natalie Portman declining the 'Jewish Nobel Prize' in Israel and a Jewish artichoke controversy in Italy.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the government's proposals to increase penalties for stone-throwing after a tragic death, questioning how to handle children pelting with dangerous projectiles during protests.
In a recent episode of the Unorthodox podcast, host Mark Oppenheimer alongside Tablet staffers Stephanie Butnick and Liel Leibovitz delve into topics such as Ann Coulter's controversial tweet targeting Jews, the Pope's visit to the U.S., and efforts to end the traditional Jewish practice of Kapporos involving the ritual slaughter of chickens before Yom Kippur.