Tag: Normalization

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which targets Israel, has turned its attention to Standing Together, an Israeli-Palestinian peace movement that opposes the ongoing war in Gaza.
The author argues that despite the negative optics of the war in Gaza, support for Israel has not wavered, partly because those protesting tend to be in line with Iran, viewed negatively by the typical American observer.
The author discusses the decoupling of the Arab-Israeli conflict from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, noting that the terms "Arab-Israeli Conflict" and "Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" are becoming obsolete.
In this episode, Susie Gelman and Hussein Ibish discuss the relationship between the Palestinian leadership and the Gulf countries in the context of normalization.
This episode discusses the normalization agreements between Israel and Bahrain, and Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
In this discussion, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain explore the recent normalization of Israel's relationship with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and its implications for peace.
In this podcast episode, Shira Efron and Michael Koplow from the Israel Policy Forum discuss the recent historic developments in Israel-UAE relations.
Michael Brenner's book explores the complex history of the Zionist movement's quest for a "normal" Israel, highlighting the diverse views within early Zionism.