Tag: Online Dating

The Israel-Hamas war has had a significant impact on the online dating experiences of American Jews, particularly on dating apps.
In this personal essay, the author reflects on his decision to start dating shortly after his wife's sudden passing.
In this "Bintel Brief" column, a reader named Ms. Incognito seeks advice on whether to reach out to a guy she met at a gallery opening.
Filteroff, a video-first speed-dating app founded by Zach Schleien and Brian Weinreich, is offering virtual speed-dating events for Orthodox Jewish singles as an alternative to swiping-based dating apps.
JustKibbitz is a new dating app that allows parents to make profiles for their children, do the swiping, choose matches, and even pay for dates.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the frum dating world to shift online, with Zoom dating becoming the new norm.
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and physical distancing measures, the author explores the potential lessons and relevance of Jewish sexual laws, specifically those concerning niddah (laws prohibiting sexual acts during menstruation and the following seven days).
In the digital age, technology has significantly impacted frum dating within the Jewish community.
In this reflective piece titled "My Last JDate," the author recounts her foray into online dating on JDate after 30 years of marriage and two years of loneliness.
In this exploration of matchmaking in the Torah portion, the focus is on the story of Abraham's servant seeking a wife for Isaac.