Tag: Parnassah

The article discusses a story of a young man in captivity in Moldova after being caught trying to smuggle narcotics disguised as dog food in a desperate attempt to earn $500.
A concerned parent seeks advice on balancing their daughter's desire for a husband who prioritizes learning and religious observance with the practical need for him to have a job to support the family financially.
The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linking it to non-Jewish practices.
A woman is struggling with financial difficulties after her husband lost his job but he forbids her from sharing this information with her close sisters-in-law.
The first letter discusses the experience of growing up as a shlucha (emissary) and the importance of always being on a mission, no matter where one is.
In this discussion, the speakers explore the concept of segulos, which are spiritual remedies or practices meant to bring about specific outcomes, such as success, health, or happiness.
The discussion in this shiur focuses on whether young men in yeshiva should have a plan for earning a livelihood (parnassah).