Tag: Personal Experience

The article recounts a personal experience of a parent navigating the Jewish community with Jewish children of color.
A tutorial on how a married Jewish woman covers her hair using headwraps and headcoverings.
In this discussion, Israeli writer Fania Oz-Salzberger, known for her book "Jews and Words," talks about how she and other Israelis are dealing with the current war between Israel and Hamas.
Lara Rae is a talented comedian who is transgender and deeply spiritual.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, an anonymous guest shares their experience of anxiety and rationality in their approach to Judaism.
The podcast discussion delves into the theme of crime occurring in close proximity to individuals.
In the conclusion of the article "OTD: Leaving Religion," the author reflects on their own journey of leaving religion three years prior.
The author recounts their experience battling COVID-19, detailing the strange and varied symptoms they and their family members faced.
The author shares her struggle with caffeine withdrawal while fasting on Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur, recounting past experiences of debilitating headaches due to giving up coffee.