Tag: Presidency

Claudia Sheinbaum, a frontrunner in Mexico's upcoming presidential election and a former mayor of Mexico City, is positioned to become the country's first female head of state.
A recent NBC News poll reveals concerning results for President Biden, indicating he is not only trailing behind Trump but also that only 23 percent of Americans believe he possesses the necessary mental and physical stamina for the role of president.
The podcast delves into the implications of Hunter Biden's indictment as the latest in a series of challenges facing the Biden presidency, causing concerns among Democrats about Biden's ability to secure victory in the following year's election.
The text suggests that Alex Soros, the son of George Soros, is seen as being similar to his father in terms of his influence due to his wealth.
This article highlights several instances where Donald Trump has made creepy and offensive comments about his daughter Ivanka.
The text discusses how President Joe Biden's difficulties are potentially fueling a resurgence in support and influence for former President Donald Trump.
The article discusses the significance of Donald Trump's call for extra-Constitutional means to return to the presidency, the lack of denouncement from Republicans, and the Iranian regime's decision to disband its morality police.
As President Biden's first year in office is marked with a rare press conference, there is speculation about how he can address his challenges without worsening them.
Recent Congressional testimony has shed light on the mendacity of Joe Biden, establishing him as lying on par with Donald Trump in policy matters.
The article discusses tensions within the Democratic party between progressive and moderate members, with progressives frustrated by moderates not fully supporting their ambitious agenda, which differs from what Biden initially campaigned on.
The podcast discusses how President Joe Biden's approach to negotiating with Republicans or pushing through his own COVID relief package is crucial for his presidency early on.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the continued media focus on Donald Trump despite Joe Biden being the new president.
The podcast suggests that Joe Biden's presidency may be unprecedented because he won't be the central figure dominating politics, as previous presidents have been.
The podcast discusses Joe Biden's calm statement about becoming president and not being concerned with Donald Trump, which led to confusion and anxiety in the political realm regarding changes at the Department of Defense.
The text highlights how the final 2020 presidential debate portrayed a competent Donald Trump against a dull Joe Biden, leading to a reluctance among Biden's supporters in the media to scrutinize Biden's honesty.
The text reflects on how the president's diagnosis with an illness has disrupted the perceived unreality of his presidency, bringing focus to the tangible impacts of public policy decisions on Americans.
Senator Kamala Harris has been selected as Joe Biden's running mate, generating excitement among center-left commentators for the Democratic ticket.
Donald Trump's declining poll numbers have prompted a change in his campaign manager, but the focus has been more on attacking the president's opponent rather than on Trump himself.
Donald Trump's recent commutation of his associate Roger Stone has raised concerns about his presidency among the public.
In a recent podcast, COMMENTARY columnist Matthew Continetti discusses the potential for division within the Democratic party after the upcoming presidential election and reflects on what recent events have revealed about leadership.
Henry Kissinger's eulogy for John McCain at the National Cathedral stood out as the most remarkable among the orations given, contrasting with Barack Obama's speech, which was deemed unsatisfactory due to being self-focused rather than centered on America's significance.
Mexico just elected a new president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known for his anti-establishment and anti-corruption platform, in a sweeping victory.