Tag: President Joe Biden

Supporters of the Vote Ceasefire campaign, which aimed to get voters to write "ceasefire" on the ballot in protest of President Biden's support for Israel during the conflict with Hamas, claimed a victory in the New Hampshire primary with 1,500 write-ins.
A grassroots campaign called Vote Ceasefire is urging voters in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary to write in "cease-fire" on their ballots to draw attention to the urgent need to stop the violence in Palestine and the Middle East.
Saul Dreier, a 98-year-old Holocaust survivor and founder of the Holocaust Survivor Band, fulfilled his dream of playing the drums at the White House Hanukkah party.
Families of American hostages held by Hamas in Israel met with President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to discuss the plight of their loved ones.
A recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center reveals that 65% of Americans believe that Hamas bears a lot of responsibility for the war with Israel, compared to 35% who believe the Israeli government holds a lot of responsibility.
A new poll reveals a significant decline in Arab American support for President Joe Biden's reelection bid due to his support of Israel in its conflict with Hamas.
Orthodox Jews, who have traditionally leaned conservative in their political affiliations, have expressed support and gratitude for President Biden following his strong stance on defending Israel and condemning Hamas attacks.
Amid ongoing airstrikes and casualties in Gaza, where a strike on an Orthodox church killed 17 people, including refugees, the Israeli Defense Minister outlined plans to target Hamas operatives and infrastructure.
As Israeli airstrikes continue to bombard Gaza, Palestinian Americans are anxiously following the violence from thousands of miles away.
In the wake of a challenging week for Israel, Yonit and Jonathan engage in a discussion on the country's internal mood, global Jewish perspectives, and responses to recent Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians.
Dr. Nora Derbal, an expert on Saudi Arabia, argues that Saudi society is undergoing significant changes and that any potential normalization of relations with Israel should be seen in this broader context.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with ten members of the Congressional Black Caucus in Jerusalem in an attempt to improve his relationship with the Biden administration and Democrats.
U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides is facing criticism for his involvement in domestic Israeli politics.
In this podcast episode, Dr. Naysan Rafati and journalist Neri Zilber discuss the Iran nuclear deal.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the growing popularity of a former follower of Rabbi Meir Kahane, the reasons behind the mass exodus of leaders from Israel's Meretz party, and the potential influence of video marriage in Utah on Israel's wedding traditions.
President Joe Biden is currently visiting the Middle East, including Israel, the West Bank, and Saudi Arabia.
In this episode of "The Escape Artist," Jonathan Freedland discusses his new book about Rudolf Vrba, one of four Jews to escape Auschwitz, whose report on the atrocities there helped halt deportations of Hungarian Jews and save thousands of lives.
Justice Stephen Breyer, the oldest justice and one of three liberals on the Supreme Court, is retiring, leaving Elena Kagan as the sole Jewish justice.
In this article, the author discusses how the Republican Party can become the national majority party.
Deborah Lipstadt, a prominent Jewish historian and Holocaust scholar, has been appointed by President Joe Biden as the U.S. State Department's special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism.
In this podcast episode, host Evan Gottesman interviews former American diplomat Ari Gore about the closure of the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem by the Trump administration.