Tag: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, who passed away in November 2020, was known for his contributions to various contemporary issues such as Jewish identity, anti-Semitism, Israel, family, and more.
Rabbi Hillel Goldberg reflects on a decision he made thirty years ago to decline an opportunity to work with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in London.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks emphasized the dangers of victimhood and the importance of personal responsibility and relationships in his reflections on the future of British society and liberal democracies.
This text is a compilation of quotes from various individuals paying tribute to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, highlighting the influence and impact of his writings.
The new coffee-table Humash, titled the Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel, combines the Masoretic text and a new English translation by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks with an effort to provide historical and archaeological context.
This article reflects on the loss of significant figures in the Jewish community and beyond in 2020, drawing on the poem "When Great Trees Fall" by Maya Angelou.
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder joins the 18Forty Podcast to discuss the Torah's perspective on social justice.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Jeremy Wieder discusses what the Torah has to say about social justice.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a beloved teacher and mentor, had a profound impact on many people, including the author Nathan J. Diament.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dr. Jeremy England, a physicist and biologist, discusses his journey as a Jew and scientist and how the two aspects of his life intersect.
The author explores the significance of a minuscule letter, kaf, in the word "to weep" in the description of Abraham mourning Sarah's death in this week's Torah portion.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, passed away at the age of 72.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the former chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, has passed away at the age of 72 after battling cancer.
In this article, Alan Jotkowitz discusses the theological response needed in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, racial unrest, and environmental crises.
The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) recently released the Siddur Avodat ha-Lev, a new prayer book aimed at the Modern Orthodox community in the United States.
"Strange Miracle" explores the intersection of Jewish faith and Christian Zionism throughout history, emphasizing the significance of the Jewish people's return to the Land of Israel as a pivotal theme.
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, known for his Covenant and Conversation series, focuses on the figure of Moses in his biblical commentaries, emphasizing themes of leadership challenges and building a just society.
The article provides a list of recommended books on prayer that have been found helpful for personal prayer life and teaching, focusing on works from the past 100 years.
This article provides a list of recommended books on prayer that have been helpful for personal prayer and teaching.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote two books, "Essays on Ethics" and "Lessons in Leadership," which focus on weekly readings from the Jewish Bible.
In response to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks's book "Not in Gods Name," Rabbi Shlomo Riskin argues that Sacks rejects political encroachment on religion but does not advocate Jewish powerlessness.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks engaged in a discourse regarding the relationship between religion, power, and politics in Judaism.
The Koren Mahzor for Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, translated by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and reviewed by Shaul Robinson, explores the challenges of creating a prayer book for these occasions.
Rav Betzalel Zolty, chief rabbi of Jerusalem, compared his deep sense of loss upon the passing of his colleague, Rav Elimelech Bar-Shaul, to Dovid HaMelech's distress over Yehonatan, highlighting the irreplaceable bond of brotherhood.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' Covenant & Conversation: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible Leviticus emphasizes the concept of holiness found in Vayikra, arguing that holiness is achieved through human submission to the divine and the willingness to sacrifice.