Tag: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Amy Stoken reflects on Jewish unity amidst political divisions and a resurgence of antisemitism, noting the importance of avoiding internal splits over political differences.
Joe Lieberman, a prominent figure in American Orthodox Judaism, demonstrated the importance of bringing Jewish values into the public sphere during an Orthodox Union forum in 1998, leading to the establishment of the OU Advocacy Center in Washington.
The author reflects on the concept of helping others and its potential harm.
In times of distress, recent events have imbued traditional Jewish prayers with renewed significance, particularly emphasizing the themes of peace and freedom.
The author reflects on the October 7 massacres in Israel and the pain it caused for the Jewish people.
Unpublished writings and out-of-print work by the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, will soon be available online.
The Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, is famous for its spy missions that have been made public.
The Sedra of Vayelech recounts Moses confessing to the Israelites that he is unable to continue leading them due to his old age.
The opening chapter of Parshat Ki Teitzei discusses two situations that involve sensitive interrelationships.
In Parshat Reeh, the Torah warns against following false prophets who claim to have secret knowledge.
The author explores the origins of the siddur, the Jewish prayer book.
In this article, the author emphasizes the importance of belonging and community in religious life, particularly within Judaism.
In this article, Rabbi Josh Joseph emphasizes the importance of belonging and community in religious life.
Prime Minister Netanyahu is facing the consequences of his own political tactics as he finds himself trapped in a coalition he created.
This text discusses the importance of synagogues as both physical spaces and communities.
In his book "The War on the West," Douglas Murray argues that Western civilization is unfairly criticized for its sins, ignoring its positive contributions and causing division in America and Europe.
In his 2022 book "The War on the West," journalist Douglas Murray argues that Western civilization is unfairly criticized, ignoring its positive contributions and causing division in America and Europe.
The Koren Tanakh MaalotMagerman Edition is a new translation of the Jewish Bible that aims to capture the original text for a broad contemporary audience.
This text discusses the concept of Torah u-Madda, the integration of Torah (Jewish religious teachings) and Madda (secular knowledge and wisdom), and its relevance in the Modern Orthodox community.
The symposium discusses the concept of Torah u-Madda (Torah and secular studies) in the Modern Orthodox community and its evolving meaning.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explored the concept of Guilt and Shame cultures in Judaism and contemporary society.
The article highlights the importance of visionary leadership in Judaism.
Miriam Anzovin, a non-Orthodox woman, has gained popularity on TikTok with her humorous and accessible recaps of the Talmud.
The article discusses the rise of cancel culture and the power of online mobs to shut down debate and destroy lives.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, an anonymous divorced man discusses the importance of protecting oneself from harmful inclinations during the divorce process.