Tag: Rabbi Moshe Hauer

The discussion delves into the concept of Achdus, exploring whether it is a Halachic requirement or a Hashkafic principle and how it differs from Kiruv.
The Orthodox Union (OU) is expanding its focus on North American Jewish communal growth with the new Savitsky Communal Growth Initiative, made possible by a major gift from Steve and Genie Savitsky.
The Winter 2022 issue of Inside the OU highlights various happenings within the Orthodox Union (OU).
The OU celebrated the opening of their new headquarters in Manhattan with a mezuzah ceremony and a Chanukat Habayit celebration.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky, a revered Torah scholar, left a lasting impact on the Jewish community.
In this shiur, titled "Are my Tefillos really worth anything? Does Hashem really listen to me? Powering up our Tefillos," various prominent Jewish figures discuss the effectiveness and significance of our prayers.
At a roundtable discussion, Jewish experts in career and business building, including Chaya Fishman and Rabbi Zisha Novoseller, discussed opportunities for maximizing earning potential while balancing a Torah lifestyle.