Tag: Religious Authority

The text discusses Tractate Bava Metzia in the Babylonian Talmud, which grapples with establishing ownership in Jewish law.
Despite a coercive Chief Rabbinate in Israel, a trend is emerging where some secular Israelis are voluntarily adopting religious customs such as wearing tzitzit, baking challah, or lighting Shabbat candles in response to the war in Gaza.
The article discusses the Enlightenment and its relevance today.
The author discusses the complex relationship between American Jews and Israel, particularly for non-Orthodox Jews.
The article discusses the Haredi response to COVID-19 in Israel.
The article discusses the decentralization of religious authority in Orthodox Jewish life due to the absence of universally recognized Torah giants like Moshe Feinstein and Menachem Schneerson.
"Nashim Teens" is a new Hebrew magazine for religious-Zionist girls, often focusing on fashion and consumerism.
In "Not in the Market for a Gadol," Wendy Amsellem responds to Chaim Saiman's essay on the idea of communities led by a revered rabbinic figure known as a gadol.
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin reviewed Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' book "Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence," highlighting a perceived belief in Jewish powerlessness that Rabbi Sacks refutes.