Tag: Religious Conversion

The text discusses the evolution of Reform Judaism in America, highlighting its initial intention to eliminate differences between Jews and Christians in order to combat antisemitism.
The article discusses the challenge of illustrating the Book of Ruth, focusing not on the plot but on the theme of redemption.
The Israeli military is investigating after reservist soldiers shot and killed David Ben Avraham, a Palestinian who converted to Judaism to honor his grandfather for rescuing Jews during the 1929 Hebron riots.
The author recounts two personal stories that shaped their understanding of forgiveness and atonement.
Yehonatan Indursky, the co-creator of the popular show Shtisel, has recently announced that he identifies as haredi Orthodox once again.
This 2007 article by Rachel Safier explores the Bnei Menashe, a Jewish group in northeast India who claim to be descendants of the lost tribe of Menashe.
The article discusses the division between the Ukrainian and Russian branches of the Orthodox Church and its implications for Orthodox communities in the United States, particularly in Pittsburgh.
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, known for his monumental translation of the Talmud and his work in education, was born into a secular family but became religious as a teenager.
The author reflects on his journey from a devout Mormon upbringing to questioning his faith as he delves into different religious experiences alongside his wife R. Despite being raised in Mormonism, they explore Judaism, attending a Passover Seder and embracing Jewish rituals like wearing a tallit.
In 1913, Franz Rosenzweig, a young German Jewish scholar, underwent a transformative experience that led him from academic relativism to religious faith and back to Judaism, becoming one of modern Judaism's influential thinkers.
Descendants of four Portuguese Jewish brothers who fled the Inquisition in Portugal in 1614 gathered in Amsterdam to commemorate their heritage, although many present were not practicing Jews.
A group aiming to convert Jews to Christianity removed references to George W. Bush's attendance at a fundraiser from its website, though the former president still plans to attend.
The author recalls reconnecting with their paternal grandparents after years of estrangement, only to discover their grandfather's death online.
The author reflects on his journey of exploring Judaism through relationships with Jewish partners, experiencing Jewish customs, and attending religious services, even though he never formally converted to Judaism.