Tag: Right Wing

A growing anti-Zionist sentiment within the America First movement, as exemplified by Tucker Carlson’s interview with Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac, is challenging historically unwavering support for Israel.
Jewish conservative commentator Ben Shapiro has released his first single, a collaboration with rapper Tom MacDonald titled "FACTS."
In a recent podcast, the discussion focuses on a special election in Ohio that serves as a barometer for public sentiments on abortion rights.
The article discusses the question of whether U.S. military aid to Israel is a right-wing or left-wing issue.
Matt Sienkiewicz, a professor at Boston College, co-authored a book titled "That's Not Funny: How the Right Makes Comedy Work for Them."
In a discussion on The Reeducation podcast, Eli Lake delves into Congress's approval of $40 billion in arms and aid to Ukraine, emphasizing how despite the rise of populism on the right, this effort remained intact.
The podcast discusses whether the Right's rejection of Joe Biden's victory is a true revolution or a response to perceived media bias, exemplified by criticism of Joseph Epstein.
In this podcast episode called "The Young and the Feckless Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman explore why Israeli young people may lean more right-wing than older generations, analyze the implications of recent elections, and discuss the relevance of telling the story of the Exodus on Passover.
In the "OUR Killer?" edition, Gilad Halpern, Naomi Zeveloff, and Noah explore the Israeli support for a soldier who shot a Palestinian stabber, question if left-leaning leaders are sounding more right-wing, and discuss former ultra-Orthodox individuals suing for being raised in a Haredi lifestyle.
Yaakov Katz, a former aide to Naftali Bennett, has been appointed as the new editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post, succeeding Steven Linde.