Tag: Saudi Arabia

The text critiques the Biden administration's purported Saudi-Israeli peace deal, suggesting it is a ploy to subordinate traditional US allies to Iran and the Democrats while undermining the achievements of the Trump administration in the Middle East.
The text explores the question of whether Israel can eliminate Hamas, noting that while the ideology of Hamas may persist, its governing and military structure in the Gaza Strip is defeatible.
The text criticizes the UK Labour Party's plan to recognize Palestine as a gesture without addressing the timing issues and lack of clarity.
A summary of the covert collaboration between Israel and Saudi Arabia over decades, detailing their shared efforts in conflicts like Yemeni civil war and Gulf War, their mutual need to counter Iran, and the potential for a future official alliance despite public hostilities.
President Joe Biden delivered a speech addressing the Gaza War, emphasizing the need for a three-stage plan proposed by Israel to end the conflict, return hostages, secure borders, and rebuild Gaza.
The author criticizes mainstream media for biased reporting on clashes between police and pro-Palestinian demonstrators at UCLA, portraying the police negatively and overlooking protester law-breaking.
The text discusses the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, highlighting its significance during the Israel-Hamas conflict.
In a recent incident where Israel faced a potential attack by Iran, surprising support from Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates provided vital intelligence that helped Israel defend against the threat, signaling a significant shift in Arab solidarity with Israel.
The text discusses the importance of deradicalizing Palestinians as a crucial step towards achieving peace in the region.
The video explores the origins and motivations behind the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, examining their anti-American, anti-Israeli sentiments, Jew-hatred, and Islamic fundamentalism while delving into their viral video tactics and connections to humanitarian crises and attacks on merchant ships.
After six months of war in Israel, the Israeli military withdrew from the southern half of the Gaza Strip, marking a potential shift in strategy following the Hamas attack.
The discussion with Bret Stephens highlights President Biden's political challenges relating to inflation and immigration, rather than Israel or the Palestinians.
A U.S. government delegation monitoring religious freedom left Saudi Arabia early when a Saudi request for Rabbi Abraham Cooper to remove his kippah was refused.
Jared Kushner, former President Donald Trump's son-in-law and advisor, stated that he will not be part of a potential second Trump administration, as he wants to focus on his business ventures.
The text discusses the recent chaos within the House Republicans, who unexpectedly lost two votes within a short period, leading to questions about the implications of this disarray.
In this article, it is discussed how former IDF chief of staff, General Gadi Eisenkot, has been chosen by anti-Netanyahu forces to help overthrow Netanyahu, with the assistance of the United States.
During the World Economic Forum in Davos, several individuals and countries expressed support for Israel and condemned anti-Semitism.
White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated that the Biden administration is working towards shifting the focus from the ongoing conflict in Gaza to the establishment of a Palestinian state and normalization between Israel and Arab states in the region.
The author argues that despite the negative optics of the war in Gaza, support for Israel has not wavered, partly because those protesting tend to be in line with Iran, viewed negatively by the typical American observer.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has condemned the recent Hamas attack on Israel, calling it a serious escalation and expressing shock at the abduction of Israeli civilians from their homes.
The article discusses Israel's intelligence failure that led to a deadly surprise offensive by Hamas.
Dr. Nora Derbal, an expert on Saudi Arabia, argues that Saudi society is undergoing significant changes and that any potential normalization of relations with Israel should be seen in this broader context.
The article discusses the potential for a formal alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia, considering the historical Arab stance against Israel and recent geopolitical changes.
The podcast discusses Merrick Garland's recent appearance on Capitol Hill, Democratic concerns about silencing Donald Trump, and the current relations between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.
Congressman David Trone is running for U.S. Senate in Maryland and is pitching his corporate sensibility to the state's liberal Democratic base.