Tag: Saudi Arabia

Senator Joni Ernst, a founding member of the Senate Abraham Accords Caucus, reflects on the achievements of the landmark deal and its importance to the United States.
This article discusses the accomplishments and criticisms of former President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as the potential for President Biden to establish diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The article discusses the potential peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel and the challenges in reaching an agreement.
A Pittsburgh jury has sentenced the individual responsible for the deadliest antisemitic attack in US history at the Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 to death, prompting discussions on the Jewish tradition's views on capital punishment.
President Joe Biden expressed his concerns about the extreme elements of Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet in a recent interview with CNN.
This article discusses the changing dynamics in the Middle East and the potential for an alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Yaakov Amidror, former national security advisor of Israel, recently stated that Israel must prepare for the possibility of war with Iran, even without American assistance.
Yaakov Amidror, former national security advisor of Israel, argues that Israel must prepare for war with Iran, even without American assistance.
The recent restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, mediated by China, raised questions about the implications for Israel and the United States.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping's brokering of a reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia has shaken the United States' role as the dominant power in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia's shocking 2-1 victory over Argentina in the World Cup has political and diplomatic implications for the kingdom.
The Biden administration is showing hostility towards the Abraham Accords, a framework for peace agreements between Israel and Arab countries.
The United States currently has overwhelming military power compared to Iran, but the Biden administration's ambiguous approach to defending its allies in the Middle East has created mistrust among its Gulf allies and emboldened China, Russia, and Iran.
Dr. Nora Derbal, an Islamic Studies scholar, explores the role of charity in Saudi Arabia within an authoritarian system in her book "Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society Under Authoritarianism."
The article discusses the deteriorating relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia, highlighting the consequences of American policy decisions in the Middle East.
The Biden administration's regional integration scheme for the Middle East is seen as beneficial to Iran.
In a first-of-its-kind historic flight, Haaretz reporter Ben Samuels joined the White House press delegation from Tel Aviv to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
During his visit to Israel, President Joe Biden announced that Saudi Arabia would soon allow direct flights from Israel, a small step towards normalizing relations between the two countries.
President Joe Biden is currently visiting the Middle East, including Israel, the West Bank, and Saudi Arabia.
Dan Senor discusses the concerning inflation numbers and the significance of President Biden's recent trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia on a podcast, with a follow-up conversation about the January 6 hearings.
The article argues that President Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia signals a problematic shift in American foreign policy towards the Middle East.
In a recent podcast episode, the hosts discuss President Biden's upcoming visit to Israel, where he will meet the new caretaker Prime Minister.
In this episode of Israel Policy Pod, Ambassador Martin Indyk discusses President Biden's upcoming visit to Israel, the West Bank, and Saudi Arabia.
US President Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Israel will proceed as planned, despite recent political developments in the country.
Matthew Continetti discusses OPEC's decision to increase oil production coinciding with President Joe Biden's potential visit to Saudi Arabia, questioning the shift in relations given past criticisms of the Saudi government.