Tag: Secularization

Dr. Zohar Maor, a history lecturer at Bar Ilan University and co-editor of the book "Nationalism and Secularization," reviews new perspectives on political modernity and reexamines older ideas on the subject.
In this reflection, the author discusses his experience working for a Jewish organization and delves into the sociological theories of Peter Berger, particularly focusing on Berger's ideas as presented in "The Sacred Canopy."
Peter Berger, a baptized Jew born in Austria, was a renowned sociologist known for his analysis of religion in modern society.
In this discussion, Allison, Eilon, Don, and Noah cover three main topics: the exoneration of MK Avigdor Lieberman after a long investigation, the IDF's choice to purchase boots from American factories leading to consequences for a local factory and its employees, and recent legislative changes reducing the power of rabbis in Israel, potentially leading to significant shifts in Israeli society.
Hadag Nahash, a prominent Israeli hip-hop band founded in Jerusalem in 1996, is known for its self-aggrandizing lyrics, social critiques, and unique use of Hebrew literary traditions in their songs.