Tag: Self Defense

The text discusses the complexity and oversimplification of opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, critiquing those who form shallow viewpoints without a deep understanding of the region's history and complexities.
The text discusses the concept of Tikkun Olam, often translated as "fixing the world," in the context of executing terrorists as a means of self-defense and protection, particularly in Israel.
In a guest essay by Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the United States, the importance of Israel's role in preserving the memory of the Holocaust is discussed in relation to current geopolitical challenges.
In a strongly opinionated post discussing the support for Israel from different political factions, the author highlights the contrast between Republicans and Democrats, particularly regarding their views on Prime Minister Netanyahu's actions and Israel's right to self-defense against Hamas.
In a discussion about the ending of the book of Esther, the focus is on the distinction between self-defense and massacre in the text.
Rabbi Donniel Hartman discusses the moral complexities Israel faces in times of conflict, emphasizing the dangers of embracing unwavering belief in its own morality.
In this podcast episode titled "The Graves of Academe," the discussion begins with the controversial self-defense of former Harvard president Claudine Gay in the New York Times.
The author discusses the issue of settler violence in Israel, particularly by religious Zionist extremists.
The podcast discusses the escalating violence in Israel and the shift from calls for ceasefires to open calls for an "intifada" in the United States, reflecting Palestinian attacks on Jews over the years.
The author reflects on their experience in a progressive school and criticizes the moral relativism and pacifism that was promoted.
The author reflects on the recent acts of violence and terror in Israel, highlighting the deep impact it has on the collective Israeli and Jewish psyche.
The author, Carly Pildis, addresses her colleagues on the left in a personal letter, questioning their demand for a cease-fire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without clarity on the conditions for such a cease-fire.
In this opinion piece, the author reflects on the parallels between the current treatment of Israel and the events leading up to Kristallnacht, the pogrom against Jews in Nazi Germany.
World leaders, including President Joe Biden, have condemned the recent attacks by Hamas on Israel and pledged their support for the country.
The article discusses a recent incident in Montgomery, Alabama, where a fight broke out on a riverfront between black and white individuals.
In this article, Rabbi Seth Winberg argues that Orthodox rabbis need to take a stronger stance against guns, as they are the leading cause of death for children in the US.
Israeli leaders are warning of a potential preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities as Iran gets closer to obtaining nuclear weapons.
In response to a surge in violence in Israel, including recent terrorist attacks, Israelis are turning to humor as a coping mechanism.
The text discusses the ethical considerations surrounding Israel's military operations, particularly focusing on Operation Protective Edge against Hamas.