Tag: Senate

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is facing pressure from Jewish leaders and colleagues to advance the Antisemitism Awareness Act, aimed at addressing the recent rise in antisemitism on college campuses.
Royce White, a former NBA player turned right-wing podcaster, secured the Minnesota GOP's Senate endorsement despite his history of employing conspiratorial rhetoric about the Jewish elite and the Holocaust on social media.
Senator Joe Lieberman, who recently passed away, was a man known for his integrity, bipartisanship, and devotion to his faith and family.
In the California primary elections, Jewish Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, supported by AIPAC, advanced to the Senate runoff to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
The House and Senate are rushing competing aid packages for Israel to the floor, with votes expected as soon as this week.
A recent NBC News poll reveals concerning results for President Biden, indicating he is not only trailing behind Trump but also that only 23 percent of Americans believe he possesses the necessary mental and physical stamina for the role of president.
The podcast discusses the Senate Republicans' reluctance to make deals with President Joe Biden on various issues, potentially affecting aid to Ukraine and Israel.
Chuck Schumer recently delivered a compelling speech on the Senate floor highlighting the issue of anti-Semitism from the left, earning praise for addressing the topic.
Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ) is emphasizing his national security expertise and support for Israel in his bid for the Senate against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), who faces legal challenges.
The podcast discusses instances of unbecoming behavior by politicians, including a congresswoman causing a disturbance at a Denver theater, a Virginia candidate selling sex acts online, and a new Senate code removing dress requirements.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding Senator Dianne Feinstein's reluctance to step down due to her age and potential cognitive decline.
In a recent podcast discussion, it was highlighted that Senator John Fetterman had a confusing interaction with bankers, which was later corrected by a Washington Post reporter, and Senator Dianne Feinstein purportedly voted in the Senate while recovering from shingles in California.
Matt Dolan, a Republican state senator from Ohio, is launching a second bid for the U.S. Senate in 2024 after finishing third in the previous primary.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams has decided to pursue involuntary commitment for mentally ill individuals on the streets and subways.
In a podcast discussion with Mark Halperin, it is highlighted that Democratic successes in passing significant spending and climate change legislation might pose challenges for Republican candidates running for Senate and gubernatorial positions.
Matt Continetti discusses the GOP's current challenges in his piece "The GOP Summer Swoon," highlighting concerns such as Republican Senate nominees falling behind, setbacks for pro-life advocates in Kansas, and Democrats making legislative progress.
The podcast discusses two main topics: the possibility of a gun legislation deal in the Senate that has bipartisan support, and the revelations from the hearing on the January 6 riot.
Joe Biden's emotionally charged speech advocating for new gun laws raises questions about whether his heartfelt approach will effectively sway the Senate towards adopting his policy proposals.
This article discusses the challenges faced by the Democratic Party in passing progressive reform in the Senate, highlighting a lack of clear strategy.
Matthew Continetti discusses his article in January's COMMENTARY about Chuck Schumer on a podcast, but first delves into the troubling texts sent to Trump's Chief of Staff during the January 6th riot, expressing shock at their content and reflecting on their potential impact.
The podcast discusses how House Democrats are considering passing a large spending bill that is unlikely to pass in the Senate, a move that could provide Republicans with ammunition to use against Democrats in the 2022 elections.
The article discusses the challenges faced by the Democratic party, including issues in Afghanistan, ongoing pandemic concerns, and the uncertainty surrounding a $3.5 trillion budget deal.
The podcast discusses Andrew Cuomo's decision to delay his resignation by fourteen days, questioning his motives and potential scheming.
In a recent podcast episode, the focus is on the Democratic rush to quickly wrap up the Senate impeachment trial in order to move on to passing a $2 trillion spending package.
The podcast discusses the second impeachment of Donald Trump and the Senate's dilemma regarding his trial.