Tag: Sephardi

This text is an advertisement for a Talmud study series on Masekhet Sanhedrin.
This text appears to be a promotional message for a Talmud study series called "Masekhet Sanhedrin (1) - R Abe Faur."
In this text, R. Elie Abadie discusses the halakhic philosophy of classical Sepharadi poseqim (Jewish legal authorities).
The video titled "Exploring Abarbanel" features Rabbi Steven Dansky discussing the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts.
In this discussion, Rabbi Isaac Tawil explores the approach to Aggadah and Midrashim in the Talmud.
In this video, R. Joseph Dweck discusses the views of R. Ovadia Yosef on the role of Kabbalah in Halakha (Jewish law).
This text does not provide any information or content related to Yom Kippur & Sukkot through a Sephardi lens, as indicated by the given title.
A music enthusiast who will miss the communal singing during Passover Seder has created a curated playlist to help individuals transition to solitary Seders this year.
Dr. Talia Sagiv, a sociologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, explores the challenges faced by young Israelis of mixed Ashkenazi and Sephardi descent in her book "On the Fault Line: Israelis of Mixed Ethnicity."
The discussion delves into the significance and interpretations of the Song of Songs in Jewish tradition.
Israel's new chief rabbis were selected after a contentious process that highlighted the deep-rooted issues within the rabbinical institution.
Jessica Lanyadoo, a psychic with Jewish Iraqi and Polish Holocaust survivor roots, attributes her success and open-mindedness to her mixed Ashkenazi and Sephardi heritage.