Tag: Sexuality

Readers have been responding to The Forward's advice column, the Bintel Brief, on topics such as bullying, Nazi memorabilia, religious identity and sexuality, conversational etiquette, and disagreements on Israel.
The article discusses the experience of a young man who felt hurt and rejected by rabbis due to his sexual orientation.
The Institute for Sexual Research, founded by Magnus Hirschfeld, was a pioneering medical center devoted to the study of gender and sexuality in Weimar Germany.
The text examines the story of Adam and Eve and the primordial sin, offering new interpretations that challenge traditional views.
The podcast discussion highlighted by COMMENTARY columnist Matthew Continetti covers the Biden administration's handling of events in Cuba, the implementation of an indoor mask mandate in L.A. county, and the perceived trend among liberals to view being in a throuple as the ideal form of sexual relationship.
Norma Klein's novels, particularly "Beginners Love," delve into themes of Jewishness, sexuality, and identity among secular Jews in New York City.