Tag: Shas

The situation on Israel's northern border with Hezbollah remains tense despite a recent lull in attacks, highlighting the ongoing threat.
Rav Isomor Garbuz, a well-known Torah scholar and son-in-law of Rav Gershon Edelstein, is highly respected in Bnei Brak, a city known for its yeshivas and Torah study.
This episode explores the definition of "Beinonim" according to the Tanya, focusing on its usage in Shas and classical interpretations.
The recent electoral victory of Benjamin Netanyahu and the emergence of the Religious Zionism party in Israel signal a shift away from liberal constructions of Judaism.
The episode discusses the historical significance of the printing of Shas (the Talmud).
This episode examines Spinoza's Jewish education, questioning whether he reached a level of understanding to read and analyze Shas and if he interacted with Rabbi Menashe ben Israel.
In this episode, R' Moshe Weinberger's recent remarks about the Yeshiva curriculum and its effectiveness are discussed.
This podcast episode delves into the topic of evaluating historical evidence, particularly through examining the celebration of the Besht's birthday on the 18th of Elul.
This episode discusses the tragic death of R' Imanuel Chai Ricco and why he was considered to have died for Kiddush Hashem.
In episode 15 of GAON, Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Vilna Gaon and his Bais Medrash, focusing on biographical details such as when the Bais Medrash was built and the Gaon's close students like R Chaim Volozhin.
In episode 13 of Gaon, the discussion explores the Vilna Gaon's heavy editing of Rabbinical documents like Shas and other materials, questioning why some were heavily edited while others barely touched, and how his editing compares to other Acharonim.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein's podcast episode discusses the Vilna Gaon's Torah accomplishments, particularly focusing on his role as a posek and his extensive editing of Rabbinic material like Shas.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the recent Israeli elections, pondering what they reveal about voters' motivations and the future of the country under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amidst legal challenges.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the recent Israeli elections, reflecting on the voters' sentiments and the future leadership under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amidst legal challenges.
Yair Ettinger, a journalist and researcher, co-authored a book titled "A Flock With No Shepherd: Shas Leadership The Day After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef" with Nissim Leon, examining the post-Rabbi Ovadia Yosef era of the Shas movement.
The book "A Flock With No Shepherd: Shas Leadership The Day After Rabbi Ovadia Yosef," co-authored by Yair Ettinger and Nissim Leon, examines the challenges facing the Shas movement following the death of its prominent founder Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in 2013.