Tag: Shimon Peres

In this episode, Israel Policy Forum experts Neri Zilber and Shanie Reichman discuss topics like a recent hostage rescue operation, President Biden's speech on Gaza, Benny Gantz's resignation, the potential for conflict with Hizballah in Lebanon, and more Israeli political developments.
The text explores how Israel, once seen as a barren and unremarkable land, transformed from a small settlement in 1909 to a country with significant global impact.
Nimrod Novik, a senior policy adviser and former Israeli security veteran, remains committed to a two-state solution despite the prevailing skepticism and opposition within Israeli society and government.
In this fourth installment of the Diary of an IDF Soldier series, the author discusses tactics used by Hamas in the conflict and the Israeli military's perspective on human life.
As the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Accords approaches, a recently declassified transcript of a cabinet meeting reveals the doubts of the accords' architects regarding the trustworthiness of Yasser Arafat and other Palestinian Arab leaders.
In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, a book titled "Zionism: The Tablet Guide" is being released.
In this article, the author discusses the rise of the Israeli shekel and its impact on the economy.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron cover three main topics.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss Yuli Edelstein challenging Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership of Likud, questioning if Netanyahu's reign is coming to an end.
In this article, the author recounts their experience of giving a speech about their faith in God at various American synagogues, which was met with ridicule and criticism when it went viral in Israel.
The text explores significant historical rivalries in Israeli politics, highlighting the intense infighting among key figures such as David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, Golda Meir, Abba Eban, Yitzhak Rabin, and Shimon Peres.
The article discusses the development of missile boats by the Israeli navy in response to the sinking of their destroyer Eilat by a Soviet-made missile boat of the Egyptian navy in 1967.
Evan Gottesman interviews Nimrod Novik, a former adviser to Shimon Peres, about Israel's strategy in Gaza and the ongoing conflict with Palestinians in the region.
Excerpts from Yasser Arafat's diaries unveil a previously unknown non-aggression pact between the PLO and Italy, shedding light on his relationships with figures like Silvio Berlusconi and Fidel Castro, as well as his stance against Saddam Hussein.
Nimrod Novik, an Israeli expert, discusses the strained diplomatic relationship between Israel and Jordan with Eli Kowaz and Noa Shusterman.
"Oslo" is a play by J. T. Rogers that delves into the negotiations leading to the first Oslo Accord signed by Israel and the Palestinians in 1993.
The author recounts their experience meeting Shimon Peres in 1999, initially reluctant due to opposing his involvement in the Oslo Accords.
In this discussion, the hosts reflect on the complex legacy of Shimon Peres, focusing on his impact on Israel and the left.
Shimon Peres, a renowned statesman known for his long career in public service and commitment to peace in the Middle East, was remembered by some Israelis as a humble neighbor who lived in a modest apartment with his wife near Tel Aviv University.
Shimon Peres, a prominent figure in Israeli politics, possessed remarkable skills in navigating complex political landscapes and was known for his strategic thinking and ability to persuade others.
American flags will be flown at half-staff in honor of Shimon Peres, marking a rare occasion as only seven other foreign figures have received this presidential honor.
Dr. Guy Ziv discusses the topic of Israel's political shift towards the left over time, focusing on Shimon Peres as a case study in his book "Why Hawks Become Doves."
The text discusses three main topics: critiquing Shimon Peres for ties to a bank, exploring cultural conflicts in Israel, and pondering the celebration of Independence Day amidst national ambivalence.
The text discusses various experiences and reflections of individuals living in Israel.
In "Ben-Gurion: A Political Life" by Shimon Peres, the book explores the leadership and legacy of David Ben-Gurion, emphasizing his pivotal role in the founding of the State of Israel.