Tag: Silicon Valley

The upcoming Democratic primary election in Silicon Valley to fill Rep. Anna Eshoo's seat has highlighted the party's divisions on Israel-Hamas relations.
Elon Musk's public image has shifted from being compared to a superhero to being associated with a supervillain.
The article discusses the growing divide and conflict within the Silicon Valley tech elite, with figures like Marc Andreessen, Elon Musk, and Peter Thiel criticizing the existing oligarchic structure and advocating for a different vision and method of building America's future.
James B. Meigs discusses in his podcast the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX and its implications for Silicon Valley's techno-optimist culture and capitalism.
"The Northman" is a medieval sword and sorcery film that explores the intersection of our technologically advanced society with a cultural fascination with the primitive and mystical.
The text discusses the current state of the media and the role of fact-checking.
The article discusses the author's reflections on various books and their relevance in today's society.
The exclusive social media app Clubhouse, which is valued at $100 million and has not yet been publicly released, recently experienced an anti-Semitic meltdown.
Tech columnist James B. Meigs discusses the recent congressional hearing on Silicon Valley's consolidation and how it increases the likelihood of disasters.
Yossi Klein Halevy, an American-Israeli writer, engages in Israeli-Palestinian dialogue through his best-selling book Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor, avoiding the urge to reconcile conflicting narratives.
Dr. Tomer Persico, a religions scholar, explores the concept of the Image of God in his upcoming book and its influence on Judaism and the world.
Rabbi Prof. Irving (Yitz) Greenberg, a renowned Jewish thinker, explores the significance of Israel in his theological perspective and reflects on the evolving Jewish-American identity in the modern era.
Rabbi Sigalit Ur examines numerous conversations between Jews and Gentiles in Rabbinic texts, exploring the definition of who is considered a Gentile.
Rabbi Sigalit Ur, a research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute, delves into her analysis of numerous interactions between Jews and Gentiles found in Rabbinic literature.
The text discusses the intersection of Jewish identity and the digital world, critiquing the notion of a shiva app and the internet's inherent lack of Jewishness.
The text explores the complex position of Asian-Americans in America's racial dynamics, highlighting their exclusion from diversity initiatives, historical context, rapid growth, and educational and economic success.
El Al Airlines will introduce direct flights between Tel Aviv and San Francisco to cater to passengers in the high-tech sector shuttling between Silicon Valley and Israel, competing with United.
In episode 92 of the Stephen Show on Unorthodox, the host welcomes actor Stephen Tobolowsky, known for his role in Silicon Valley, who discusses his experiences with faith, including attending synagogue after his mother's passing and working in Hollywood.
In Genius Bar Episode 32 of Unorthodox, the discussion touches on Israeli settlers and Palestinians collaborating in cannabis cultivation.
The text discusses the pervasive culture of surveillance in society, highlighting the collaboration between private industry and government agencies like the NSA.