Tag: Synagogue

The text delves into the complexity of Jewish identity and practice, emphasizing that for many Jews today, Judaism no longer feels like a native language due to various reasons such as assimilation, lack of community cohesion, and changing societal norms.
Families are increasingly opting for destination bar and bat mitzvahs outside traditional synagogue settings as a way to personalize the ceremonies and create meaningful experiences for the young celebrants.
Boston synagogues have canceled Shabbat services due to the ongoing manhunt for the suspect in the Boston Marathon attacks, while the suspects family members express conflicting opinions about his involvement.
"Worms: A City of Jewish Memory" examines the historical significance of Worms for German Jews, contrasting it with Newport's role for American Jews.
The Koren Siddur, a new Hebrew-English prayer book by Koren Publishers edited by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, competes with the ArtScroll Siddur and offers comprehensive liturgical content.
The author reflects on the completion of the mourning period and the final recitation of the Kaddish for his mother.
A person recounts their first experience of Simchat Torah before officially converting to Judaism.
An engaging video by IKAR, a Los Angeles synagogue, showcases Michael Brous moving through various LA locations blowing a shofar to stir excitement for the High Holidays, even reaching non-Jewish individuals.
The Mountain Jews, mainly residing in Azerbaijan and Dagestan, trace their history back to Israel, settling in the Caucasus mountains about 2,500 years ago.
In Medellín, Colombia, a community of Sephardic converts to Judaism has established itself, tracing their ancestry to Marrano colonizers fleeing the Inquisition.
In "Burning Stones," Rabbi Leibel Reznick discusses the destruction of the Second Temple, examining historical accounts and physical evidence.