Tag: Synagogue

The biblical story of Ruth offers important lessons for overcoming loneliness and building connections in a society that feels increasingly alienating.
The text discusses the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and emphasizes that while there is no current vaccine or medication against the virus, simple non-pharmacological interventions are effective in preventing its spread.
The author describes the emotional impact of anti-Semitic graffiti, including swastikas, being carved into their synagogue's door, Sixth and I Historic Synagogue in Washington, D.C. The synagogue held personal significance for the author as it played a pivotal role in their husband's conversion to Judaism and their deep connection to Jewish community and spirituality.
In this excerpt from "One Hundred Autobiographies: A Memoir" by David Lehman, the narrator recounts seeking advice from a wise man in the synagogue on how to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War.
The author reflects on her evolving relationship with Rosh Hashanah, transitioning from synagogue celebrations to finding spiritual connection in nature, specifically with aspen trees.
Doba-Mera Medvedeva's memoir details life in a shtetl in late 19th and early 20th-century Belarus, marked by poverty, revolution, and war.
A Jewish individual recounts their journey from an Orthodox upbringing to eventually embracing Reform Judaism, particularly due to its inclusive stance towards LGBTQ individuals and emphasis on social justice issues.
In the 16th century, Jews fleeing the Medicis' ghettos found refuge in Pitigliano, a town in Tuscany, where they thrived, making up a significant portion of the population.
The Menschwarmers podcast episode discusses the curiosity non-Jewish athletes like NFL star Antonio Brown and Steph Curry have shown towards Jewish culture, such as Brown having a synagogue in his Miami mansion and Curry getting a Hebrew tattoo.
Host Eli Kowaz and guest Uri Keidar, executive director of Israel Hofsheet, delved into how the relationship between synagogue and state will impact the Knesset race.
In a recent episode of Law & Order: SVU, inspired by real-life Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, a hijab-wearing city councilwoman resembling Omar is portrayed as a victim of rape inside a synagogue.
The text explores a dilemma faced by a family moving to Israel before their son's bar mitzvah, leading to a halakhic query about which Torah portion the boy should read on his birthday.
A mother reflects on taking her daughter to synagogue in the wake of increased security measures following the Tree of Life shooting.
In each episode of TanakhCast, the hosts discuss four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, beginning with Genesis and ending with 2 Chronicles.
In Havana, a group wedding marked the resurgence of Cuba's Jewish community after facing challenges post-revolution.
In the aftermath of the Pittsburgh massacre, the author chose to spend Shabbat attending a debate between David Frum and Steve Bannon instead of going to synagogue as part of a call to resist populism.
In this special episode titled "On Squirrel Hill: Ep. 156," the podcast Unorthodox focuses on the tragic anti-Semitic attack in Pittsburgh that resulted in the death of 11 Jews in a synagogue.
After the sudden death of the author's father, traditional Jewish rituals of mourning, such as aninut and sitting shiva, did not offer much comfort.
In this reflective narrative, the author recounts a transformative experience mountain biking in Sedona with their rabbi and an insightful Native American guide named George.
Prayer in an Age of Distraction discusses the challenges of maintaining focus during prayer, particularly in an era of constant digital distractions.
The author reflects on a conversation with a Jewish friend who doubted their ability to fully integrate into Jewish culture through conversion due to their non-Jewish upbringing.
The text explores the intertwined histories of Jewish and African-American communities in Baltimore, focusing on the evolution of neighborhoods, synagogue buildings, and racial segregation.
The text delves into the significance of the Torah in Judaism, discussing its origins and relationship with physical objects like Torah scrolls.
The author reflects on their grandmother's battle with Alzheimer's Disease and the challenges of incorporating Jewish practices into her life as the dementia progressed.
The article discusses the author's personal connection to Shlomo Carlebach, a Jewish musician accused of sexually harassing and assaulting multiple women, including the author's mother.