Tag: Synagogue

The LAPD admits to being unprepared for a violent protest outside an LA synagogue where pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters clashed, with accusations of a pogrom.
A recent incident on Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles saw a small real estate event at a synagogue targeted by around 100 pro-Hamas activists, resulting in violent clashes with Jews and disruptions to the event.
Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters clashed outside a synagogue in Los Angeles, prompting concerns about violence at places of worship.
President Joe Biden and other officials condemned antisemitism following violent clashes outside a Los Angeles synagogue between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters, emphasizing the importance of peaceful protest while denouncing violence and intimidation of Jewish congregants.
Recent events in Los Angeles and New York highlight a concerning rise in anti-Semitic incidents targeting Jews.
Survivors and community members gather at the site of the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S. history at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.
Vancouvers Schara Tzedeck synagogue was set on fire, leaving the front doors charred and the community shaken.
A Jewish woman shares how her community and faith supported her during a traumatic miscarriage experience in 2014.
Antisemitic violence in Canada has been on the rise, with Jewish institutions facing vandalism like shootings and arson.
New York is celebrating Shavuot 2024 with a variety of events across the city.
Renowned New York klezmer musician Frank London faced a critical health battle with cancer, requiring immediate treatment, forcing him to postpone concerts and a festival.
A Jewish person seeking advice in a column called A Bintel Brief describes running into exes at their synagogue, feeling uncomfortable sharing the space.
The traditional depiction of the Luchot (Tablets containing the 10 Commandments) as rounded at the top in most illustrations deviates from the Talmudic description of them as rectangular parallelepipeds, believed to measure 6 tefachim high by 6 tefachim wide by 3 tefachim thick.
In Rouen, France, a man who set fire to a synagogue was shot and killed by police after rushing them with a knife.
Jaime Tran, a mentally ill individual, has agreed to plead guilty to federal hate crimes after shooting two Jewish men in Los Angeles following their synagogue prayers.
A man who identified himself as a Jew hater targeted a Detroit-area synagogue, shouting antisemitic slurs and throwing an object at a woman outside the building.
The writer shares his experience as a security volunteer at his synagogue, facing skepticism from his family about his protective abilities despite his physical fitness regime of running.
Yizkor is a communal memorial service held four times a year in Jewish synagogues, including Passover, reflecting on the memory of loved ones.
The author reflects on her experience attending her first Yizkor service in 1982 as a child and her more recent attendance following her mother's death in 2023.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul is pushing to expand the definition of hate crimes by adding 31 offenses to the existing list in response to a rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia.
The documentary "All We Carry" follows the journey of a young Honduran family - Magdiel, Mirna, and their children - as they flee violence and seek asylum in the U.S.
Thirteen rabbinical students were arraigned for their involvement in a dispute over an illegal excavation at the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn, resulting in charges of criminal mischief, reckless endangerment, and obstruction of governmental administration.
The Jewish community in Oldenburg, Germany, faced an attempted arson attack on its synagogue with a Molotov cocktail.
The Jewish Chronicle recognized Amy Winehouse's talent early on, predicting her massive success in the music industry despite her unconventional Jewish upbringing.
The text discusses the current challenges facing the Jewish community globally, focusing on rising antisemitism, particularly from certain factions on the Left.