Tag: Treyf

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, shared in a deposition that a brain worm caused his memory loss, likely from a pork tapeworm, possibly a consequence of his consumption of non-kosher foods.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses their struggle to reconcile their Jewish and Cajun identities.
The author reflects on their preconceived notions about food, holiness, and religious practices influenced by their Christian upbringing before converting to Judaism and embracing kosher observance.
In "Better Treyf Than Sorry," Adam Kirsch explores the Talmudic discussions in Chapter Three of Tractate Chullin regarding what renders an animal tereifa, or not kosher.
The text explores the author's journey towards embracing kashrut by relinquishing non-kosher foods, particularly bacon, which held special significance for him.
Elissa Altman's memoir, "Treyf: My Life as an Orthodox Outlaw," delves into her complex relationship with her Jewish identity, family history, and food.
The article discusses various topics in Jewish food and culture, including a new cooking magazine for kids called Ingredients, a recommendation by New York Times Dining Critic Sam Sifton for a treyf meal for a kosher-keeping boyfriend, Israel's first beer expo showcasing tasting highlights, an incident involving a Florida professor carrying a bagel and cream cheese on a plane, and the upcoming opening of a conveyor belt sushi restaurant called Sushein catering to the kosher crowd in downtown New York.