Tag: Yeshivos

A Jewish father reflects on the financial pressures and societal expectations he faces in his Orthodox community, particularly when it came to his daughter's wedding expenses and leasing a car for his family.
An urgent fundraising effort was launched in response to the Israeli High Court's decision to cut off government funding to yeshivos, resulting in a shortfall of over $100 million.
The text discusses a report indicating that the IDF has rejected many Charedi enlistment requests due to various reasons, posing challenges in integrating Charedim into the army.
The text discusses the divide between charedim and the rest of Israel regarding military enlistment.
This article highlights the existence of a shidduch (matchmaking) crisis within the Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) and Modern Orthodox (MO) communities, each with different reasons behind it.
In this article, the author discusses the concept of charedi cities, which are communities in Israel filled with yeshivas and kollels.
In this Shiur, various Jewish leaders discuss different aspects of the current situation in Israel.
The New York Times published a correction after inaccurately characterizing Yiddish speakers as monolingual in an article.
In this Shiur (lesson) titled "The Kashrus scandal in the Chinese Restaurant," Rabbi Yudel Shain, a Dayan and renowned Kashrus expert, discusses concerns about the authenticity of Kosher establishments and what can be done to prevent such incidents from happening again.