
The International Atomic Energy Agency revealed that Iran has accumulated enough uranium for three nuclear bombs, enriching it to almost weapons-grade during distractions like conflicts in Gaza.
Rep. Rob Menendez (D-NJ) is facing a tough primary challenge from Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla, threatened by his father Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption charges.
Brothers Yarden and Elad Stefansky developed Giborey Israel, a line of action figures called G.I. Jews, inspired by real-life Israeli heroes like IDF soldiers and security forces.
The essay emphasizes the need to understand the fundamental moral differences and intentions between Israel and Hamas in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Miriam Adelson, wife of the late Sheldon Adelson, who previously remained neutral in the Republican primaries, has pledged over $100 million to support former President Donald Trump in the upcoming general election.
Hadassah is hosting a special One Book, One Hadassah event featuring Israeli author Talia Carner discussing her book "The Boy with the Star Tattoo" at their National Conference in Las Vegas on July 29.
Families of victims from the Oct. 7 attack in Israel, including peace activists killed by Hamas, are pleading for peace and condemning the ongoing violence in the region.
Israel will implement a new electronic travel authorization system starting August 1, requiring visitors from visa-exempt countries like the United States to apply online in advance through a designated website with a fee of NIS 25 ($7).
Montana Tucker discusses the influencer lifestyle and her experiences since October 7th on State of a Nation.
The IDF Chief of Staff remarked that Israel has largely achieved its military objectives in Gaza, with a focus on securing a lengthy ceasefire and prisoner release rather than prolonged military action.
The Nova Music Festival Exhibit in Lower Manhattan commemorates the tragic event on October 7 where over 360 people were murdered during a music festival in Israel.
The text criticizes the Biden administration for allegedly subsidizing Hamas and obstructing Israel by building a pier off Gaza that cost $320 million.
A recent Pew survey indicates a significant decline in Israeli Jews supporting a peaceful coexistence with a Palestinian state, dropping to 19% from 32% before recent conflicts.
The video discusses the tragic events that occurred in Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7th, where a significant portion of the population was killed or abducted, with Jonathan Dekel-Chen providing insight into the incident.
Music has a profound impact on healing and self-expression, especially for individuals navigating trauma or difficult experiences.
A journalist who visited Israel after the October 7 massacre recounts a troubling and tense atmosphere in the country.
The text discusses personal experiences of moving to Israel, highlighting unexpected lessons learned upon arrival, such as dealing with security concerns like bomb scares and rocket attacks, as well as the complex emotional rollercoaster of living in a country with ongoing political and social challenges.
The Tablet podcast Sivan Says features Sivan Rahav-Meir and Liel Leibovitz discussing Parshat Bechukotai, exploring the blessings and curses associated with following or neglecting God's commandments.
Israeli national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi predicts that the conflict with Hamas in Gaza will continue until the end of the year, aiming for the destruction of Hamas' governing and military capabilities.
The article discusses Uri Alon's connection to Michel Nisenbaum, an employee who was killed by militants in Gaza.
William Buckley, the CIA station chief in Lebanon, spent his last morning on March 16, 1984 in Beirut following his routine before being abducted that day.
The text discusses Israel's strategic failures regarding its policies towards Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Joshua Hoffman, representing Future of Jewish, a free digital publication focusing on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, seeks support to continue providing inspiration, education, and connection to a global audience.
Chicago Jewish Day School's annual Israel trip for eighth-graders was threatened due to the Israel-Hamas war and cancelations by IsraelNow.
Israeli mothers are expressing their frustration and resistance to the ongoing violence and warfare in Israel, feeling their children are being used as cannon fodder for political gains.

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