
Maldives has announced that it will prevent Israeli passport holders from entering the country in protest of Israel's military actions in Gaza.
Montana Tucker discusses the importance of Jewish people supporting Israel and why she proudly embraces her Jewish identity.
In Israel, a High Court hearing addressing the issue of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) avoidance of army service and funding for yeshivas took place, revealing the government's backing of charedi exemptions despite conflicting beliefs within the government itself.
The text discusses the complexity and oversimplification of opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, critiquing those who form shallow viewpoints without a deep understanding of the region's history and complexities.
The text discusses a different approach to philanthropic giving in university settings, emphasizing the complexity of impacting an entire institution and suggesting a portfolio-based strategy for funders.
Michael Oren shares the remarkable story of Lou Lenart, an American Zionist and World War II veteran instrumental in the birth of Israel's air force.
The text discusses President Joe Biden's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict, criticizing his perceived lies and political motivations.
In this multi-part series critique, the author challenges the claims made by Irus Braverman about Israel's treatment of wildlife, focusing on golden eagles and goldfinches.
Jonathan Dekel-Chen, a dual Israeli-U.S. citizen whose son was kidnapped by Hamas in October, criticizes Israel's government for their lack of communication and support compared to the U.S. President Biden and Congress.
Future of Jewish is a digital publication dedicated to providing inspiration, education, and connection about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
The essay discusses the connection between Judaism, Zionism, and the Jewish people's historical and biblical ties to the land of Israel.
The article discusses the evolving landscape of Jewish philanthropy and the importance of continued support for Israel's security and well-being, despite its economic growth.
Israel's social resilience in the face of adversity, such as missile attacks from Iran or terrorist threats, stems from a unique collectivist core ingrained in Israeli society through values like gibush (bonding into groups) and service-oriented elite army units.
After the tragic loss of their daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren in a terrorist attack in the Gaza Envelope, a bereaved Jewish family grapples with the challenges of mourning, memorialization, and resilience.
The article details the severe impact of Hamas attacks on Israeli agricultural communities in the western Negev, particularly Kibbutz Beeri, destroying infrastructure, crops, and displacing residents.
During times of conflict near the Gaza border, individuals like Gitit Zamir Botera in Sderot manage the National Digital Center to communicate the experiences of those living on the frontline.
The discussion revolves around the concept of resilience within the Jewish community, particularly in the face of ongoing threats and challenges.
President Joe Biden delivered a speech addressing the Gaza War, emphasizing the need for a three-stage plan proposed by Israel to end the conflict, return hostages, secure borders, and rebuild Gaza.
President Joe Biden announced an Israeli plan to end the war with Hamas by securing the release of all hostages held in Gaza, withdrawing Israeli forces, and incapacitating Hamas to prevent future attacks.
A highly shared AI graphic titled "All Eyes on Rafah" depicting a tent city sparked a debate on social media about the Israel-Hamas conflict, with pro-Israel responses challenging pro-Palestinian activism.
Montana Tucker discusses the challenges of being a proud Jew in the face of ignorance and conformism among Gen Z in a Youtube video.
This text is an Etgar Quiz featuring questions related to Jewish knowledge.
Iran's animosity towards Israel has evolved over time, with historical ties once existing between the two countries post-Israel's establishment.
In light of Donald Trump's felony conviction, Jewish supporters face a moral dilemma regarding prioritizing support for Israel over the rule of law and American democracy.
In a recent episode of Israel GPS, hosts Yonit and Jonathan interviewed Fareed Zakaria, a renowned analyst and CNN host, to discuss the ongoing conflict in Israel, including international criticism following an air strike in Rafah and a call from The Hague to cease operations.

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