
The article tells the story of four elderly male hostages who tragically died while in captivity in Gaza.
Ayal Feinberg, director of the Center for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights at Gratz College, discusses the connection between hate crimes and Israeli military operations.
Israeli hostage families have issued a plea to American Jewish institutions to support their call for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a deal to release hostages and end the war.
Rep. Ritchie Torres criticized a secret Israeli government campaign aimed at influencing Black Democratic U.S. lawmakers, calling it embarrassing and racist.
Michael Douglas visited Israel and met with families of hostages, expressing a desire for peace and an end to conflict.
Iran's upcoming presidential contest on June 28 is best described as a selection rather than an election, orchestrated by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his allies, with the Guardian Council likely disqualifying most candidates.
The NAACP initially called for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to American weapon shipments to Israel but later revised its statement to specifically target weapons aimed at civilians.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address the U.S. Congress on July 24 for the fourth time amid the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and potential International Criminal Court issues.
Edward Isaacs, President of the Union of Jewish Students, expresses concern over a recent poll showing that 54% of 18-24-year-olds believe Israel should not exist.
The text discusses a report indicating that the IDF has rejected many Charedi enlistment requests due to various reasons, posing challenges in integrating Charedim into the army.
The text criticizes the UK Labour Party's plan to recognize Palestine as a gesture without addressing the timing issues and lack of clarity.
Elliott Abrams discusses the rise of American Jewish anti-Zionists who have joined anti-Israel protests, attributing their views to a deeper rejection of Israel as a moral burden on the Jewish conscience rather than mere disagreements with Israeli policies or leaders.
"The Milky Way," an Israeli film directed by Maya Kenig, offers a poignant and realistic portrayal of early motherhood through the story of a single mom who works for a company selling breastmilk.
The article emphasizes that Israeli civilians, not political leaders, are crucial in determining the country's recovery from the ongoing war.
The author, a Roman Catholic, shares her journey of supporting Jewish friends and combatting antisemitism, including replacing the Star of Bethlehem with a Star of David as a symbol of solidarity, traveling to Israel to witness the impact of terrorist attacks, and emphasizing the importance of standing with Jewish people against hatred.
In this podcast discussion led by Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron, two key topics are covered: a new Israeli proposal to negotiate the release of hostages and the opposition from religious-Zionists, as well as new Supreme Court petitions that may impact the conscription of Haredim in the army.
The text discusses the significance of Mount Sinai as the location where God gave the Torah to the Israelites, emphasizing its choice as a public and ownerless wilderness to prevent exclusivity and tribal claims.
In "The Magic Ladle: Women, Science, and Nutrition in the History of Israel" by Erela Taharlev Ben-Shachar, the author explores how food, particularly the orange and vegetables, played a significant role in the evolution of the Israeli kitchen and society.
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to educate and inspire individuals about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared Eden Golan Day at a United Hatzalah gala fundraiser in Manhattan, honoring the Israeli singer who participated in Eurovision and performed at the event.
President Joe Biden is facing challenges working with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu due to differences in their visions for peace in the region, with Biden advocating for a two-state solution.
Hadassah, a Jewish women's organization, is actively engaged in advocacy on multiple fronts including fighting antisemitism, promoting stem-cell research, and supporting Israel.
Yom Yerushalayim in 1967 marked a triumphant moment for Israel, with the IDF regaining the Kotel and other territories in just 6 days.
The documentary "Israelism" explores the Jewish generational divide over Israel and has become influential among pro-Palestinian activists on college campuses, sparking debates and controversies within the Jewish community.
First-time Jewish voters, such as Chloe Hockfield from Pennsylvania and Noya Chirashnya from California, are grappling with their political choices as they consider candidates' stances on Israel.

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