Tag: 2024 Election

The Commentary team delves into the legal implications of the Trump verdict and its potential impact on the 2024 election, alongside broader questions about the legitimacy of American institutions.
Don Cohen, a retired Jewish community relations professional from West Bloomfield, MI, expresses concern about the need for increased security for the Jewish community and other minority groups in the face of recent terror attacks.
David Wolkinson, an Orthodox Jewish real estate investor and Republican-leaning voter, emphasizes national security as his top priority in politics, expressing concern over Trump's handling of foreign policy, particularly regarding Ukraine and Russia.
The text discusses the potential decline of the Squad, a group of far-left House Democrats known for pushing progressive policies and anti-Israel views.
In Michigan's recent primary, a protest vote against Biden by Arab-American and Muslim voters, who are discontent with his pro-Israel policies, raised concerns about potential impact on the upcoming elections.
Former US President Donald Trump's approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict, particularly in contrast to President Biden's handling, is a topic of discussion as the 2024 election approaches.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested in an interview that Russia may be involved in pro-Palestinian activist movements encouraging politicians to support a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.
Despite Nikki Haley having positive views about Israel and the Arab world, polls suggest that she is unlikely to be the Republican nominee for President.
In this podcast episode titled "The Graves of Academe," the discussion begins with the controversial self-defense of former Harvard president Claudine Gay in the New York Times.
This text discusses the surprising possibility of former President Trump being re-elected in 2024 despite his controversial actions and statements.
President Joe Biden's support for Israel's military response to the Hamas attack on Israel has garnered praise from the Jewish-American community but criticism from Arab, Muslim, and progressive communities.
The podcast discusses a recent WSJ poll showing Trump leading DeSantis by 46 points in the GOP race for the 2024 election, raising questions about whether the Republican contest is already decided well before the elections.
President Joe Biden has taken a passive-aggressive approach towards Israel, expressing his disapproval of Israel's hard-right turn but not imposing any significant costs on Israel or its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Nikki Haley, former governor of South Carolina and Republican presidential candidate, is gaining support from Jewish Republicans as a potential alternative to Donald Trump.
A survey conducted by the Jewish Electoral Institute shows that Jewish voters strongly favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump in a potential 2024 general election matchup.
This article discusses the confrontational exchange between Senator Ted Cruz and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
In a recent podcast, the discussion focuses on President Joe Biden's shift in stance regarding his ability to use the 14th amendment to address the debt-ceiling crisis, a strategy he had previously dismissed.
In a podcast episode featuring Mark Halperin, the discussion revolves around the abundance of leaked intelligence documents online, their implications for the Biden administration's policies, and how these factors, alongside the challenges confronting Americans and concerns about Joe Biden's performance, could impact the 2024 election.
In a recent podcast, it is noted that President Joe Biden expressed satisfaction in provoking Republicans to yell at him during the State of the Union address, with supporters indicating that this strategy may be used to win in the 2024 election.
A podcast discusses a New York Times poll revealing President Joe Biden's approval rating at 33% and nearly two-thirds of Democrats wishing for a different candidate in 2024.