Tag: Abraham Joshua Heschel

The article discusses the need to reclaim Zionism for the center ground amid controversies in the Jewish community.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast sponsored by Joel and Lynn Mael, Rabbi Adam J. Raskin, a Conservative rabbi, and his Orthodox daughter Mia Raskin discuss how their family navigates denominational differences, shedding light on the real-world implications of Jewish denominations in daily life.
Shai Held's book, "Judaism Is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," argues that love is a central theme in Judaism, countering historical Christian misconceptions and internalized Jewish negativity towards this idea.
Black-Jewish relations have been complex despite both groups facing discrimination and supporting civil rights causes.
The summary is as follows: The text discusses the dire living conditions in Rafah, a small area of the Gaza Strip, and the impending invasion by the Israeli military.
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel were influential American religious figures of the last century and unlikely friends.
A 2021 Pew study highlighted the decline of religiosity within American Jewry, particularly among young adults who view their Judaism as purely ethnic or cultural.
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel, two influential religious figures, formed an unlikely friendship despite their theological differences.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a renowned Jewish theologian, had a casual family visit with the author's parents in 1959.
The author reflects on the process of unpacking their library after moving to a new apartment.
In this episode of the Jewish Lives Podcast, Julian Zelizer discusses Abraham Joshua Heschel and his journey from being a Hasidic rabbi in Warsaw to becoming a progressive Jewish icon.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss their views on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The book "Between Literalism and Liberalism" edited by Michael Marmur and David Ellenson explores the complexities of American Jewish thought in the 20th century.
This text discusses the changing image of the shtetl, or Eastern European Jewish town, in post-war Jewish American identity.
The text discusses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on daily life and Jewish traditions.
The discussion revolves around the academic study of Hasidism, focusing on a shift towards conservative interpretations known as neo-Haredim, challenging the more radical neo-Hasidic perspective.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a prominent Jewish thinker and refugee scholar, faced uncertain times during Nazi rule in the 1930s.
In the article "The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part II," Ariel Evan Mayse explores the impact of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972) on contemporary Jewish thought.
Pinchas Peli, a renowned writer and professor of Jewish thought, played a significant role in popularizing the ideas of Abraham Joshua Heschel and Joseph B. Soloveitchik.
"Preacher," a TV show created by Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, and Sam Catlin, based on a popular comic book series, combines outrageous fun with deep theological themes.
The narrator reflects on her former religious practices and beliefs as she navigates a parking lot in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Israel.
The text challenges white American Jews to reconsider their views on race, pointing out the historical alliance between Jews and African Americans in fighting oppression.
The article discusses the role of rabbis during the Selma civil rights movement, focusing on Abraham Joshua Heschel's support for the cause alongside other lesser-known figures such as John Doar, Bayard Rustin, and Amelia Boynton.
Rabbi David Wolpe delves into the profound teachings of Abraham Joshua Heschel, a revered Jewish scholar known for his spiritual insights and poetic prose.
"Man Is Not Alone" by Abraham Joshua Heschel, published in 1951, presents faith as a profound connection akin to the intimacy between lovers, where one replaces oneself with God to reveal inner truths.