Tag: Agudath Israel Of America

The text discusses 20 significant contributors' viewpoints on pivotal changes, trends, and developments in the last two decades within the Jewish community.
The text discusses 20 turning points in the past two decades as identified by various contributors.
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv suggested that in ancient times, one person studying Torah was considered enough spiritual protection for a soldier, while today it might require ten Torah students per soldier.
Rav Yosef Elefant, a prominent figure from the Mirrer Yeshiva in Jerusalem, delivered a powerful call to action at a recent convention of Agudath Israel of America.
The Israel-Hamas war has exposed a rift within the Haredi Orthodox Jewish community in the United States.
Haredi communities in New York City have shown an unprecedented outpouring of support for Israel following the recent Hamas attack.
This text discusses the life and accomplishments of Elimelech Gavriel (Mike) Tress, a key figure in the Agudah movement in America.
Rabbi Moshe Sherer was a key figure in the establishment and growth of Agudath Israel of America.