Tag: Alienation

The author discusses the divisions and tensions within the Jewish community, both in Israel and America.
In this article, the author explores the works of several American writers who address themes of alienation, alienation, and the overwhelming flow of information in post-World War II America.
The podcast discusses a poll revealing a dilemma for Joe Biden, highlighting that Democrats and independents have conflicting views on big spending, making it challenging for Biden to please both his base and non-aligned voters simultaneously.
In a piece for Haaretz newspaper, culture reporter Liza Rozovsky explores the impact of political oppression on contemporary Russian artists, highlighting themes of alienation, marginalization, subversion, and defiance in the works of former Soviet immigrants in Israel.
Liza Rozovsky explores the impact of political oppression on contemporary Russian culture and the creative expressions of former Soviet immigrants in Israel in a piece for Haaretz newspaper.
The article discusses Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis" as a prescient reflection on the Holocaust.
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the feeling of being a stranger in one's own country, a sentiment experienced by individuals when their government's actions diverge significantly from their own values and from the spirit of the populace.