Tag: American Politics

Congressman Ro Khanna, a prominent progressive voice in Democratic foreign policy, represents California's 17th district.
Student protesters at the University of Illinois campus in Chicago are rallying not only for a free Palestine but also for broader issues impacting Americans, such as reproductive rights, gun violence, food insecurity, and housing.
Joseph Lieberman, a prominent Orthodox Jewish politician in US history, was known for shaping his political views and conduct through Torah study and Orthodox influences.
Alex Garland's new film "Civil War" depicts a dystopian future where a third-term U.S. president dissolves the FBI, leading to an authoritarian state and a violent national breakup.
In an interview with Abby Schachter, an Orthodox Jew and Republican academic program manager, she expresses concerns about the Democratic Party moving away from its historically pro-Israel stance and emphasizes the need for Jews to form different social and political coalitions.
Eva R. Cohen, a rabbinical student and leader of a Humanistic Jewish congregation in Minneapolis, discusses the lack of empathy for Israel in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas attack.
Joe Lieberman, the first Jewish candidate on a major party's presidential ticket, was remembered at his funeral as a politician admired for his integrity and bipartisanship.
Senator Joe Lieberman, who recently passed away, was a man known for his integrity, bipartisanship, and devotion to his faith and family.
The text discusses the potential decline of the Squad, a group of far-left House Democrats known for pushing progressive policies and anti-Israel views.
Catharine Beecher, in 1829, used the story of Queen Esther from the Purim narrative as a model for advocating for Native Americans.
Nikki Haley, a former governor and U.S. ambassador who withdrew from the GOP presidential race after facing significant primary losses, notably did not endorse Donald Trump, citing concerns about America's role in the world, including support for allies like Israel.
The podcast highlights the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine as it enters its third year, criticizing the American political process for supporting aid to Ukraine but facing reluctance in the House to hold a vote on it.
Despite Nikki Haley having positive views about Israel and the Arab world, polls suggest that she is unlikely to be the Republican nominee for President.
Moment Magazine has compiled a list of the top 10 most-read stories in 2023 that shaped the American Jewish conversation.
The author points out the contradiction between the progressive emphasis on avoiding offense and the targeting of Jewish students and the Jewish community on college campuses.
The text is about a podcast where the host expresses fatigue with discussing Trump in American politics but ends up discussing him anyway, highlighting the current political atmosphere.
Noah Rothman joins the original hosts of the Commentary podcast for a special episode filled with concerns about the situation in Ukraine, worries about the administrations of both Biden and Trump, and a general sense of gloom about current events.
The article discusses the issue of gerontocracy in American politics, focusing on the age of politicians and the impact it has on policy-making.
In a recent podcast, the discussion revolves around the decrease in disinformation, cautioning against assuming it will necessarily benefit Joe Biden.
In this piece, Meghan McCain discusses various current events such as cocaine in the White House, the 500th day of the war in Ukraine, and critiques Ron DeSantis's commercials.
The article discusses the potential shift in the Jewish vote in the upcoming elections and whether Nikki Haley, a Republican politician, can win over the Jewish community.
This article discusses the confrontational exchange between Senator Ted Cruz and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
The podcast discusses Tim Scott entering the presidential race and strategies for improving his position, alongside progress in debt ceiling talks.
Eliana Johnson discusses the media's criticism of Dianne Feinstein, their neglect of John Fetterman's appearance, and the significance of Fetterman's clothing in American politics on a podcast.
The author recalls a dream they had about leaving their country for good due to the danger faced by teachers.