Tag: American Politics

Matthew Continetti recently joined a podcast to analyze the Russian war on Ukraine and its implications for American politics and the Right.
The podcast featuring Bret Stephens delves into current events concerning Ukraine, Biden, and the rise of nationalist conservatism.
Josh Kraushaar of National Journal highlights the electoral risks for Democrats in dismissing or downplaying the widespread dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in the nation.
The discussion revolves around the challenges the U.S. faces regarding Putin's demands, the CDC's inconsistencies on vaccines, and the Democrats' efforts to portray Republicans as anti-democratic.
In a discussion featuring Matthew Continetti in place of Noah Rothman, the focus is on analyzing the implications of the president's speech regarding the January 6 riot for the Democrats, Republicans, and Donald Trump.
Chris Stirewalt discusses the challenges Democrats are facing in a podcast, highlighting a significant setback for the party in recent elections.
The recent elections in Virginia, New Jersey, Long Island, Buffalo, and Minneapolis have resulted in surprising outcomes, signaling a significant shift in the political landscape.
The podcast discusses whether Republicans should enjoy watching potential Democratic disarray or if it would be detrimental to the country.
The recent rediscovery of mid-20th-century American thinker James Burnham is related to a realignment in American politics.
The Democratic party is banking on the American public's appetite for a significant overhaul of the social contract through the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, but the gamble may carry more risks than rewards.
The podcast discusses the recent events surrounding Andrew Cuomo, including his closest aide deserting him, America's withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
Michael Lind proposed the idea of a new American republic based on "liberal nationhood," combining classical liberal values with a New Deal-like economic approach.
The text discusses Joe Biden's approach to bipartisan dealmaking and his subsequent promises to pass additional elements left out of the bipartisan infrastructure deal, questioning if it might undermine the initial agreement.
In this article, the author discusses the different perspectives on inequality in America.
Andrew Garbarino, the new representative for Long Island's conservative district, reflects on the Capitol attack and his role as a moderate Republican.
In a podcast discussion with James B. Meigs, the focus is on the FDA and CDC decision to halt the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, examining its implications.
The author reflects on the impact of Donald Trump's presidency on religious conservatives and Orthodox Jews.
Tablet Magazine has announced the selection of their 10 new Tablet Fellows for the coming months.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the continued media focus on Donald Trump despite Joe Biden being the new president.
The text discusses the insurrection led by Donald Trump, emphasizing its significance as a disturbing event in American political history.
The podcast discusses the significance of the recent Democratic victories in Georgia, highlighting how the Republicans had control of the House, Senate, and White House four years ago but have now lost this power to the Democrats.
The podcast discusses current events at the beginning of 2021, including Trump's controversial phone call, Cuomo's handling of COVID-19, and the prevalence of conspiracy theories.
Outgoing President Donald Trump created controversy in his final days by disrupting negotiations over a new COVID relief bill and issuing pardons to three convicted Republican figures.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the impact of American politics on Israeli politics, highlighting the division among Jews globally into Trump supporters and opponents.
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss various topics including the influence of American politics on Israeli politics, the division among Jews into pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions, and the disregard for Rabin's legacy by an Israeli minister.