Tag: Arab Israeli Conflict

The author recounts their experience meeting Shimon Peres in 1999, initially reluctant due to opposing his involvement in the Oslo Accords.
Historian Prof. David Tal challenges the notion that Israel could have prevented the Yom Kippur War by responding to Anwar Sadat's peace initiatives, questioning if this belief is merely a hindsight-based myth.
In Hillel Cohen's examination of the 1929 Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine, he challenges the traditional Zionist narrative by portraying the attacks on Jews as expressions of Arab frustration at perceived Zionist encroachment on their land.
Dr. Ron Schleifer discusses the concept of hasbara, a form of propaganda used in the Israeli-Arab conflict, in an interview with Gilad Halpern.
Dr. Jonathan Rynhold, a political scientist at Bar-Ilan University and author of "The Arab-Israeli Conflict in American Political Culture," discusses why the United States stands out as a Western country with strong support for Israel in the 21st century.
The text discusses the historical challenges faced by the Jewish community, particularly in Israel, in dealing with various political powers such as the Ottoman Empire, British colonial rule, French policies, and Soviet influence through the years.
The Mimouna Club, founded in Morocco's Al-Akhawayn University, aims to celebrate the country's Jewish heritage and promote cultural diversity.
The book "Original Sins" by journalist John Judis is a critical examination of President Harry Truman's Middle Eastern policy and the history of Zionism.
During Israel's War of Independence, the construction of the Burma Road provided a crucial bypass to Jerusalem through the mountains, allowing Jewish soldiers to avoid attacks on the main road.
Gilbert Achcar, in "The Arabs and the Holocaust," explores the role of Arabs during the Holocaust, arguing that most were not complicit in Nazi atrocities and should not be blamed for them.