Tag: Barack Obama

The discussion in the COMMENTARY podcast explores the unmasking scandal and the Justice Department's treatment of Michael Flynn, questioning Barack Obama's motivations at the time.
Robert Malley, a former senior White House official and key figure in Obama's foreign policy, wrote an essay in Foreign Affairs discussing the increased risk of war in the Middle East, particularly with Iran.
The text discusses the implications of Iran's recent strikes on Saudi Arabia relating to their nuclear ambitions and the complexities of US foreign policy in the Middle East.
Former President Barack Obama will host a reception for freshman House Democrats on Monday, coinciding with AIPAC's significant annual leadership reception in Washington, D.C. The AIPAC event is attended by a majority of members of Congress and key figures.
In "Advocacy of the Faithful: A View from Washington, DC," Nathan J. Diament discusses the Orthodox Union's approach to political advocacy, focusing on a case involving President Obama's Iran nuclear deal.
Henry Kissinger's eulogy for John McCain at the National Cathedral stood out as the most remarkable among the orations given, contrasting with Barack Obama's speech, which was deemed unsatisfactory due to being self-focused rather than centered on America's significance.
Jeff Beals, a former CIA analyst and Democratic candidate for New York's 19th congressional district, is campaigning in a diverse region that swung from supporting Obama to Trump.
Senator John McCain expressed regret in his new book and accompanying documentary for not choosing Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election over Sarah Palin.
The article discusses the current state of the Iranian regime and the potential for its collapse.
The article discusses the contrasting approaches of Presidents Obama and Trump towards Jewish values and perspectives.
The text explores the notion of late-night wake-up calls for political leaders, specifically contrasting the American 3 a.m. phone call standard with the more frequent occurrences for Israeli prime ministers, highlighting historical instances of such wake-up calls for leaders like David Ben-Gurion during key moments in Israel's history, from the War of Independence to the Yom Kippur War.
In "The Triumphs of Benjamin Netanyahu" edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Netanyahu's successful foreign policy impacting Israel amid challenging times, challenging perceptions of the Israeli Left towards him.
Rep. Steve Israel, a prominent Democratic Congressman from Long Island, has announced his decision to retire from Congress after eight terms.
In a recent discussion comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Winston Churchill in handling the Iranian nuclear agreement, the article argues that Netanyahu's approach has been ineffective and lacking Churchill's wisdom.
Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to Washington, has sparked controversy by accusing Barack Obama of undermining the U.S.-Israel alliance and speculating about Obama's motives based on his background.
The text discusses President Obama's evolving Middle East strategy, highlighting a shift towards building a partnership with Iran despite opposition from traditional allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The 2012 election cycle, featuring Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, was outlined as one of the most Jewish elections in American history due to Jewish involvement in various political aspects.
President Barack Obama's evolving approach to the Middle East was marked by a shift towards promoting universal values in his Arab Spring speech, departing from his previous multicultural engagement stance.
Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, known for his influence in American politics, has a history of endorsing and criticizing presidential candidates based on their stance on Israel and other significant issues.
John Brennan, President Obama's counterterrorism advisor, has suggested reaching out to "moderate elements" within Hezbollah, a move consistent with the administration's approach to engaging with Muslim extremists rather than moderates.
Some Russian-language media in Israel have been making racist remarks about Barack Obama, drawing on biblical references to suggest that black people are cursed and associated with evil.