Tag: Barack Obama

Uri Geller criticizes President Biden for what he perceives as a lack of a strong commitment to Israel, contrasting the security concerns faced by Israel with what he sees as the president's relative safety.
The text critiques the Biden administration's purported Saudi-Israeli peace deal, suggesting it is a ploy to subordinate traditional US allies to Iran and the Democrats while undermining the achievements of the Trump administration in the Middle East.
The text discusses the contentious relationship between former U.S. President Barack Obama and Israel, highlighting key issues that caused tension.
In a discussion with Sarah Hurwitz and Amy E. Schwartz, the evolving landscape of Jewish identity since October 7 is explored.
Amidst the ongoing violence in Israel, where more Israelis are being killed as the Rafah mission persists, Netanyahu has disbanded the war cabinet.
President Joe Biden has recently issued a warning to Israel regarding a ground offensive in Rafah, demonstrating a break from previous US administrations' unwavering support for Israel.
The text discusses the perceived mismanagement by the Biden administration of the Israel-Hamas conflict, suggesting that the U.S., under Obama's influence, has taken an anti-Israel stance due to progressive ideology within the State Department.
Former President Barack Obama, in a speech at a fundraiser, highlighted the diversity of America as a crucial element that unites individuals under a common set of rules, challenging the concept of a shared American identity prior to 1965.
The article discusses the anger and criticism directed at late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for not retiring during President Obama's term, potentially allowing for a liberal replacement.
The article discusses the issue of unintentional antisemitism among prominent individuals, highlighting Barack Obama and Harvard's President Claudine Gay as examples.
This article criticizes Jake Sullivan, the U.S. National Security Advisor, questioning his qualifications and leadership abilities.
The text discusses the Iran Deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and its significance.
This article provides a brief overview of recent events in Israel and suggests that the United States, under the Biden administration, has played a significant role in creating the conditions that led to the recent Hamas attack.
The author argues that the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, negotiated by the Obama administration, was a strategic mistake.
Former President Barack Obama has resurfaced to criticize Democrats for being pessimistic as they face challenges, but he is also seen as a factor in the party's current difficulties.
The Democratic Party's support for Israel has weakened over the years, with progressives increasingly viewing Israel as the oppressor and denying Palestinians a state of their own.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean examines the United States' credibility and deterrent power in various conflicts.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean explores the United States' credibility in the face of various conflicts.
The author, who served as Israel's ambassador to the United States, reflects on his experiences in Washington during the Obama administration.
This article critiques the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) and argues that its purpose was not to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb, but rather to give Iran the money and technology it needs to do so.
The article discusses concerns about Congressional Democrats potentially overreaching by planning a multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill on top of the proposed $2 trillion COVID relief package.
This podcast episode discusses the unusual dynamics in the Senate runoffs in Georgia, highlighting conflicts within the Democratic party between well-known national figures such as Barack Obama and more radical local politicians like Cori Bush.
The article discusses the concerning normalization and rehabilitation of Louis Farrakhan, a known anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist, by various individuals and institutions.
Ron Dermer, Israel's ambassador to Washington, reflects on his tenure and recent diplomatic successes in an interview with Jewish Insider.
Tech columnist James B. Meigs discusses the recent congressional hearing on Silicon Valley's consolidation and how it increases the likelihood of disasters.