Tag: Ben Gurion

In response to a High Court ruling that charedim must serve in the IDF, there is criticism of the charedi community's focus on Torah study and exemption from military service.
In May 1948, Chaim Weizmann, physically and mentally exhausted, learned of the declaration of an independent Jewish state named Israel while in New York.
This article discusses the relationship between J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, and Israel's nuclear quest in the 1950s.
In the book "#IsraeliJudaism: A Portrait of a Cultural Revolution," authors Shmuel Rosner and Camil Fuchs discuss the evolution of Jewish identity in Israel, highlighting a new category they call "Jewsraelis," comprising 55% of the Israeli Jewish population.
In a discussion featuring Policy Director Michael Koplow, predictions for 2019 include the likelihood of Trump revealing his "ultimate deal" and whether Netanyahu will surpass Ben-Gurion as Israel's longest-serving Prime Minister.
"Gur Alroey's book 'An Unpromising Land' focuses on the typical Jewish immigrants to Palestine in the early 20th century, highlighting that most were seeking a better future rather than being driven by strong Zionist ideals. Alroey emphasizes that the mass of immigrants were not necessarily motivated by returning to the land of Israel or part of the Zionist project. While some letters to Zionist bureaus showed minimal ideological motivations, Alroey suggests most immigrants were more concerned with economic factors. The book also delves into the daily lives of these immigrants, showcasing struggles and achievements in areas like candy-making and professional associations. Alroey's work challenges the traditional Zionist narrative and underscores the diverse motivations and experiences of early Jewish immigrants to Palestine."
Yom Haatzmaut is a day to reflect on Israel's independence and its adherence to the values laid out by David Ben-Gurion.
Dr. Avi Bareli from Ben-Gurion University explores the power dynamics within Israel's ruling party, Mapai, during the early years of the state.
The text discusses the issue of preventing plane bombings by examining Israel's stringent security measures at airports, contrasting them with American practices.