Tag: Biden Administration

Senators Cotton and Risch are critical of the Biden administration for apparent delays in delivering American weaponry to Israel, despite their support for the aid package signed by President Biden.
While acknowledging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's intentions for Israel's welfare, there are growing concerns about his decision-making, including recent conflicts with the Biden Administration over weapons shipments and doubts about completely eradicating Hamas.
The text discusses the allegations made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Biden administration is withholding arms shipments to Israel, leading to a depiction of Netanyahu as delusional by American officials.
Edward Luttwak criticizes what he calls "Obama's Law," which dictates that Iran can attack others but cannot be attacked itself, leading to chaos and warfare in the Middle East.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address a joint meeting of Congress, prompting Democrats to consider whether to attend the speech amidst disagreements over Israel's policies.
The Biden administration has imposed sanctions on Tsav 9, an Israeli group accused of obstructing humanitarian aid convoys bound for Gaza.
Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz has resigned from Israel's war cabinet, signaling a potential challenge to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership amid crumbling unity in response to the war against Hamas.
Benny Gantz, a key moderate figure in the Israeli government, resigned, leaving Netanyahu without a centrist partner and potentially leading to early elections.
The Biden administration has recently allowed the Ukrainian army to retaliate against selected targets in mainland Russian territory using US-supplied weapons, marking a shift in policy following Russian military advances in Ukraine.
The discussion with Jonathan Schanzer revolves around whether Benjamin Netanyahu is losing his ability to influence events as he desires, the impact of the Biden administration's policies on Israeli soldiers, and America's reluctance towards achieving military victories.
The text criticizes the Biden administration for allegedly subsidizing Hamas and obstructing Israel by building a pier off Gaza that cost $320 million.
Israeli national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi predicts that the conflict with Hamas in Gaza will continue until the end of the year, aiming for the destruction of Hamas' governing and military capabilities.
The text discusses why the Biden administration failed to anticipate the strong progressive backlash against its Gaza policy.
The text discusses a growing anti-Jewish sentiment on American university campuses where identitarian groups and Islamists have formed an alliance under the guise of organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine, aiming to push Jews off campuses.
Lily Greenberg Call, a former Special Assistant at the Department of Interior in the Biden administration, recently resigned in protest of US policy in Gaza, making her the first Jewish staffer to do so over the conflict.
Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish staffer who resigned from the Biden administration in protest of President Biden's support for Israel's actions in Gaza, expressed disappointment in the administration's handling of the conflict.
On Israel's 76th anniversary, the Israel Defense Forces found themselves battling in the Jabalia area, resembling a prior conflict with frustrations among soldiers about revisiting the same location.
The text discusses the Biden administration's offer to trade Yahya Sinwar, a senior Hamas leader, for guarantees to keep Israeli military out of Rafah.
A top Biden official reassured Jewish leaders that reports of the U.S. withholding intelligence from Israel on Hamas leaders are false.
Michael Oren discusses concerns about the strength of the alliance between the United States and Israel under the Biden administration.
A US State Department report highlighted credible violations of international law by Israel in its conflict with Hamas but advised against cutting defense aid to Israel, citing steps taken to minimize harm to civilians amid the challenges of fighting a group embedded among civilians in Gaza.
Israel recently shut down Al Jazeera in the country and the West Bank, citing it as an agent of a hostile state and jeopardizing security.
As Israel was engaged in a military operation in Gaza following violence from Hamas, the Biden administration began discussing plans for the future once the war ends, emphasizing the need for a two-state solution.
In a significant move, the Biden administration temporarily withheld the delivery of large bombs to Israel in an effort to influence Israel's planned operation in Rafah.
The Biden administration's decision to withhold certain armaments from Israel, despite the aid bill's passage, marks a significant development in US-Israel relations.