Tag: Body Image

The author reflects on the challenges of navigating modesty and privacy in a household with a pre-teen daughter, highlighting the complexities of being the only male in a predominantly female family.
Maya Landsman, a talented actress in Israeli TV and theater, is making waves by portraying complex and relatable characters.
Avi and Phoebe discuss the Barbie movie's Jewish connections on their podcast, then delve into the prevalent mainstream conversations on feminism and body image.
The author reflects on her childhood experiences with Barbie and the way it represented oppressive gender norms and beauty standards.
The text contains letters to the editor responding to discussions on modesty and fashion in Orthodox Jewish thought.
The artist Zo Buckman explores the intersection of hip-hop, feminism, and her Jewish identity through embroidered vintage lingerie featuring lyrics from Biggie and Tupac.
The author shares her struggle with an eating disorder that started during Yom Kippur in college, leading to self-hatred and unhealthy habits.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss three main topics: the debate on Israel forming ties with far-right leaders in Europe, a costly project aiming to unite Israeli society led by former high-ranking officials, and new research suggesting that the more religious a Jewish woman is, the better her body image tends to be.
This text describes the author's experience of undergoing a ritual immersion in a mikveh as part of her conversion to Judaism.
The author recounts her transformative experience at a Reform Jewish summer camp in 1988, where she initially felt awkward and self-conscious but was profoundly influenced by the Israeli visitors who exuded confidence and sensuality, challenging her perspective on body image and self-acceptance.
The author reflects on her journey towards embracing her Jewish hair, once a source of shame and struggle, which she came to celebrate during a transformative experience at a trance music festival in Israel.