Tag: Book

A customer in Tel Aviv tried to return a damaged book to Amazon, but was met with a customer service representative who claimed they only saw Palestine on the map and then abruptly hung up.
Yael Sternhell, a Professor of History and American Studies at Tel Aviv University, explores the Civil War archive in her book "War on Record: The Archive and the Afterlife of the Civil War."
Yosef Halper, a renowned Tel Aviv bookdealer, shares insights from his book "The Bibliomaniacs: Tales from a Tel Aviv Bookseller," shedding light on his experiences in the world of bookselling.
Professor Irus Braverman explores the concept of nature conservation in Israel through her book "Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine/Israel," examining how Israel's approach to managing nature aligns with its broader settler logic.
Isabel Kershner, the Israel reporter for the New York Times, presents her new book, "The Land of Hope and Fear: Israel's Battle for its Inner Soul."
Isabel Kershner, a reporter for the New York Times, talks about her book "The Land of Hope and Fear: Israel's Battle for its Inner Soul," exploring complex issues within Israel.
In his book "The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism," Martin Wolf explores how the shortcomings of the economic system in the late 20th century have impacted governance and vice versa.
Professor Derek Penslar of Harvard University is working on a new book titled "Zionism: An Emotional State," which explores the history of Jewish nationalism from an emotional perspective.
Dr. Shivi Greenfield explores the relationship between Judaism and Liberalism in his book "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," suggesting that they can coexist as they originate from a shared metaphysical source.
Dr Shivi Greenfield argues in his book, "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," that Judaism and liberalism can coexist and have a common metaphysical origin.
Dr. Nora Derbal, an Islamic Studies scholar, explores the role of charity in Saudi Arabia within an authoritarian system in her book "Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society Under Authoritarianism."
"Under The Radar" is a book that highlights 30 Canadian artists who are Jewish, challenging the notion that their Jewish identity may not always be immediately apparent.
David Bahnsen discusses the Build Back Better bill on a podcast, highlighting its potential political impact on Democrats.
In "Maqluba: Upside-Down Love," author Sari Bashi shares her personal story of love and navigating a complex situation as a Jewish Israeli human rights lawyer defending Palestinian freedom of movement.
Sari Bashis, a Jewish Israeli human rights lawyer advocating for Palestinian freedom of movement, found her life further complicated when she fell in love with a Palestinian man living under occupation in Ramallah.
In his new book, "The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: The Sins of Silence," Dr. Itay Lotem delves into Britain and France's remembrance of colonialism.
In her book, "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy," Batya Ungar-Sargon argues that woke culture has given rise to a focus on racial identity politics, which distracts from the underlying issue of class inequality.
Batya Ungar-Sargon argues in her book "Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy" that while woke culture focuses on racial identity politics, it overlooks the significant issue of class inequality as the true force dividing American society.
Professor Shaul Magid asserts in his book, "Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical," that Rabbi Meir Kahane, known for his far-right views in Israel, was actually a quintessential American Jew despite his prominence in Israel.
David Rieff, a journalist and cultural critic, questions the value of remembering history in his book "In Praise of Forgetting: Historical Memory and Its Ironies."
The text discusses the moral challenges posed by revelations in John Bolton's new book about Donald Trump, efforts to reform policing culture in America, and early signs of a resurgence of the Coronavirus epidemic in the country.
Prof. Yoav Alon delves into his book "The Shaykh of Shaykhs: Mithgal al Fayiz and Tribal Leadership in Modern Jordan," focusing on tribal leadership in Jordan.
Dr. David Hirsh, a sociologist at Goldsmith's, University of London, explores the rise of anti-Semitic attitudes within socialist and progressive groups in his book Contemporary Left Antisemitism, highlighting how such bigotry has become more prevalent in these circles.
Dr. Stefan Ihrig's book "Atatürk in the Nazi Imagination" explores how Turkish nationalism after WWI influenced the Nazis in the early Weimar era and beyond.