Tag: Bret Stephens

The discussion with Bret Stephens highlights President Biden's political challenges relating to inflation and immigration, rather than Israel or the Palestinians.
In a Sapir event, Bret Stephens interviews Reuel Marc Gerecht about the recent attacks by Hamas and the broader confrontation between Israel and Iran.
In this piece, the author expresses gratitude for the support of paid subscribers and shares a link to a 45-minute conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bret Stephens.
The AJC Global Forum 2022 session titled "The Great Debate: Is the Golden Age of American Jewry Over?" explores the concerns about the future of American Jewry despite its current success in various fields.
The podcast featuring Bret Stephens delves into current events concerning Ukraine, Biden, and the rise of nationalist conservatism.
The Jerusalem Post Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Lahav Harkov discusses the new Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and provides insights into the new government.
Bret Stephens discusses the transition in Israel's government and the legacy of Benjamin Netanyahu on a podcast, followed by conversations about NATO, Biden, and the pandemic's conclusion.
Bret Stephens, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The New York Times, provides insights on geopolitics post-coronavirus.
Bret Stephens, a new contributing editor for COMMENTARY, discusses in a podcast the importance of President Biden not undermining the Abraham Accords.
Bret Stephens, a prominent New York Times columnist, recently discussed the state of politics in the US and Israel at the Z3 conference, organized by the Z3 Project of the Oshman Family JCC.
Bret Stephens, a well-known New York Times columnist, participated in a discussion at the Z3 conference about politics in the US and Israel.