Tag: Campus Safety

A recent Anti-Defamation League poll highlights a significant decrease in Jewish college students feeling safe on campus, with concerns rising after events related to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
A student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst was arrested after punching a Jewish student and spitting on an Israeli flag during a vigil for Israeli hostages being held by Hamas.
Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia University have all taken steps to address and combat antisemitism on their campuses.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has called on New Yorkers to stand up against rising antisemitism following a series of incidents targeting Jewish students on college campuses.
Cornell University has been grappling with graphic threats against its Jewish students, prompting authorities, including New York Governor Kathy Hochul, to vow to find and prosecute those responsible.
Jewish students at American universities are feeling hurt and betrayed by the lack of support on campuses in the wake of recent Hamas attacks on Israel.
A day before the University of Pennsylvania was set to host a conference criticized as a forum for anti-Zionism and antisemitism, a student entered the campus Hillel and shouted antisemitic epithets as he ransacked the building's lobby.
The rise of "Snowflake Zionism" is a concerning trend in pro-Israel advocacy, exemplified by the outraged response from Jewish organizations and right-leaning outlets to a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Michigan.
Rhonda Lenton, the president of York University, discusses the balancing act of addressing tensions between Jewish and Palestinian student groups on campus, drawing on her background as a sociologist studying Canadian Jewry.