Tag: Constitution

The text discusses the importance of free speech in American society, emphasizing that while some speech may be offensive or disturbing, it is protected under the Constitution.
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik delves into the Haggadah's political significance, suggesting it can be seen as a key work of Jewish political thought due to its exploration of themes like freedom, oppression, covenant, constitution, state, society, law, and national aspirations.
Donald Trump is now endorsing the God Bless The USA Bible, selling for $60, which includes the King James version and the Constitution to "keep Americans protected."
In recent Israeli politics, there is a growing campaign by the Israeli left, with support from certain elements in the military, to portray settler violence in the West Bank as a major obstacle to a two-state solution.
In this article, the author discusses the importance of having a constitution for the Jewish State of Israel.
In a recent podcast, a concerning intersection of events is highlighted: an appeals court ruling that criticized the Biden administration for a severe infringement on First Amendment rights, and a Democratic governor's declaration of a 30-day emergency power suspending the Second Amendment in her state.
Protests against the Netanyahu-led government's judicial overhaul in Jerusalem have been ongoing for over 31 weeks, with the most recent demonstration drawing thousands of participants.
The article discusses Donald Trump's response to his indictment, in which he compared it to the persecution faced by Jews in Nazi Germany.
In this episode, Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics.
In this podcast episode, Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the summer protests in Israel, the possibility of Israel drafting a constitution after 75 years, and the increasing trend of Israelis being less bound by traditional religious identities.
The lack of a constitution in the Israeli political system has been a subject of debate.
The discussion on Independence Day focuses on the Supreme Court's rejection of the Biden Administration's overreach in a student loan case and its support for free speech in a case involving a website designer and gay marriage.
This article discusses the role of Jews in the American Revolution and the subsequent granting of political equality to Jews in the United States.
Journalists Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron delve into discussing two significant topics: the support for Netanyahu's judicial reforms with a large gathering in Jerusalem, and the debate around making Israel's Declaration of Independence a fundamental law for a potential constitution.
In this podcast episode, Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron discuss two main topics.
Israel is experiencing dangerous polarization, as evidenced by the heated debates and divisions within society.
Legal experts argue that Israel's current crises, such as religion-state conflict and the lack of checks and balances, stem from the absence of a Constitution.
Professor Nir Keidar examines David Ben Gurion's vision of Israeli democracy in his book titled "David Ben Gurion and the Foundation of Israeli Democracy."
The article discusses the significance of Donald Trump's call for extra-Constitutional means to return to the presidency, the lack of denouncement from Republicans, and the Iranian regime's decision to disband its morality police.
In this podcast episode, Knesset member Simcha Rothman discusses the ongoing debate about reforming Israel's judiciary, which is one of the major concerns facing the country's democracy.
In recent years, there have been concerns about the erosion of democracy and threats to the rule of law in Israel.
Dr. Yaniv Roznai, an Israeli law scholar, discusses the threat populist leaders pose to democracy, particularly the constitution.
Dr. Yaniv Roznai, an Israeli law scholar, examines the challenges posed by populist leaders to democracy, particularly their tendency to undermine constitutional principles.
Constitutions play a crucial role in governing societies and promoting peaceful coexistence.
Albie Sachs, a key figure in the fight against apartheid in South Africa, survived a bomb attack and went on to help draft the country's democratic constitution in the early 1990s.