Tag: Dead Sea Scrolls

Edmund Wilson, a prominent literary critic, delved into the study of Hebrew in the 1950s, merging his familial connections to Presbyterian and scholarly traditions with a newfound interest in Jewish intellectualism as reflected in his visits to Israel and writings on Jewish authors like S.Y. Agnon.
The Israel Museum in Jerusalem is hosting an exhibition of the work of Israeli artist Sigalit Landau, titled "The Burning Sea."
To celebrate Israel's 75th birthday, The CJN Daily has collaborated with David Matlow to delve into the history of Israel through his 75 carefully selected pieces from his Zionist artifacts collection in the book "75 Treasures."
In "Like a Son of Man" by Israel Knohl, the author explores the nature of the messianic figure in Judaism and Christianity.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Professor Lawrence Schiffman discusses the evolution of Judaism from early times to modern observance.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Professor Lawrence Schiffman discusses the evolution of Judaism from its early form to modern observance.
The Tractate Megillah is an ode to letters, particularly the story of Megillat Esther, which began as an intimate letter.
Philip K. Dick, a popular and influential science fiction writer, was known for his exploration of the idea that our perceived reality is actually an illusion created by sinister forces.
The text delves into the importance of texts both inside and outside the Bible in understanding Jewish tradition.
During the late Second Temple period, Jews produced a vast body of diverse literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo of Alexandria's treatises, and writings of Josephus, much of which was preserved by Orthodox Christians rather than Jews themselves in places like St. Catherines Monastery and Mount Athos.
The text discusses various experiences and reflections of individuals living in Israel.
Archaeologists have recently discovered a tunnel underneath ancient Jerusalem, which might have been used as an escape route during the Roman siege of 70 C.E., supporting Josephus's accounts of multiple tunnels used by fleeing Jerusalem inhabitants.