Tag: Democratic Party

The Republican National Convention's opening night provided the GOP with a platform to highlight their stance on the increasing rates of violent crime and civil unrest across the country, contrasting it with what they perceive as the Democratic Party's failure to address these issues.
The podcast discusses the third night of the Democratic National Convention, focusing on speeches by President Barack Obama and Sen. Kamala Harris.
This article reflects on the Democratic National Convention and discusses the significance of Joe Biden's speeches.
Senator Kamala Harris has been selected as Joe Biden's running mate, generating excitement among center-left commentators for the Democratic ticket.
In 2000, Al Gore surprised many by choosing Joe Lieberman, the junior senator from Connecticut, as his running mate over John Edwards and John Kerry.
Democratic voters in Missouri recently ousted a longtime incumbent from federal office, reflecting a trend indicating an ideological shift within the Democratic Party driven from grassroots levels.
This article explores Joe Biden's ability to avoid being hated by his detractors and opponents, which sets him apart from other figures in the Democratic Party.
The text discusses the self-radicalization of the Democratic Party, a trend that the Republican Party has not been able to exploit.
The author argues that the American Revolution has never truly ended and that Mayor Bill de Blasio's statement about wealth redistribution reflects a rebellion against the fundamental principles of American civilization.
The text discusses how the media and political elites in America focus on different issues than the general public, as highlighted by the discrepancy between media coverage of President Trump's actions during the coronavirus pandemic and his high approval ratings among Americans.
The essay discusses the misleading labels of "moderate" and "progressive" within the Democratic Party, particularly in relation to African American political power.
The text discusses the lack of scrutiny faced by Bernie Sanders for his past support of leftist autocrats and his criticism of traditional Democrats for not challenging his ideological stances.
The text discusses the potential strategies of Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton to prevent Bernie Sanders from obtaining the Democratic nomination by forming a superteam and using tactics to block him from securing a majority of delegates.
Senator Bernie Sanders, who in the past avoided emphasizing his Jewish identity, has now openly discussed his Judaism, using it to counter accusations of anti-Semitism and connect with voters.
On AJC Passport, Congressman Brad Schneider talks about the anti-BDS bill and President Trump's remarks on Jewish Democrats.
The text discusses President Trump's recent remarks about American Jews and their perceived disloyalty, emphasizing the need for the Jewish community to respond to this divisive rhetoric.
The text delves into the challenges facing the American Jewish community, emphasizing the growing trend of political homelessness among American Jews as they find it increasingly difficult to align with either major political party, particularly due to shifts in support for Israel.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman, who shifted from being a Democrat to an Independent, stated in a radio interview that while the Democratic Party as a whole is not anti-Jewish, there are some individual members, like Rep. Ilhan Omar, who have expressed anti-Semitic views.
Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, joined AJC Project Interchange's annual delegation of U.S. mayors and shared his experiences visiting Israel.
Mark Mellman of the Democratic Majority for Israel and Holly Huffnagle from the American Jewish Committee discuss the Democratic Party's stance on Israel and efforts to counter anti-Israel sentiments within the party.
The text discusses the contrasting socialist visions of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, noting their differences in ideological background and political goals.
The text explores the relationship between the left and Jewish communities in the UK and France, particularly focusing on Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and Jean-Luc Melenchon in France.
Following the 2018 U.S. congressional midterm elections, Michael Koplow of the Israel Policy Forum discusses on a podcast the evolving American policies regarding Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, analyzing the shifting approaches of both the Democratic and Republican parties in light of recent political changes.
The future of the Democratic Party and its stance on Israel is of concern to many Jewish voters.
Senator John McCain expressed regret in his new book and accompanying documentary for not choosing Senator Joseph Lieberman as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election over Sarah Palin.