Tag: Democratic Party

The author describes their journey from being politically left-leaning to feeling politically homeless, experiencing what they call "The Turn."
The Facebook whistleblower, Frances Haugen, has made headlines with her revelations about the negative effects of Facebook's algorithms on teenage girls and its potential threat to American democracy.
The text discusses the Democratic Party's potential failure to meet a deadline for passing physical and social infrastructure legislation, reminiscent of a previous failure.
Bernie Sanders, a Jewish politician from Brooklyn, found himself in a position to enact significant social democratic reforms in the U.S. with a $3.5 trillion infrastructure package featuring child support, paid family leave, and free education.
In this article, the author discusses how the Republican Party can become the national majority party.
In a podcast discussion, the crew questions the Democratic party's portrayal of the failure of significant spending bills as a political victory.
This week, the U.S. Congress passed a bill providing $1 billion in funding to replenish Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.
The podcast discusses how the media and Big Tech are suppressing stories about Hunter Biden and China's role in COVID, highlighting the implications of such actions.
The podcast discusses a series of negative events for President Biden, including three pieces of bad news within an hour on a Friday afternoon.
The text discusses the aftermath of the Afghanistan pullout on the Biden White House and the potential for a domestic political crisis.
Steve Kornacki discusses the New York City Democratic primary results and what they reveal about the party's ideological composition and the future of ranked-choice voting on a podcast.
This article discusses the rise of technocratic progressivism in the United States and its influence on shaping policy and social change.
The podcast discusses the challenges faced by Joe Biden and his agenda within the Democratic Party, comparing his situation to that of former presidents like FDR and Jimmy Carter.
The podcast discusses cultural confusion regarding political correctness, law, and the mistreatment of women, then shifts to the Democratic party's claim that Republicans are undermining voting rights.
The article discusses the controversy over family values and child care in the United States.
Positive COVID-19 tests in the United States are declining to historic lows, with deaths and hospitalizations resembling those of a regular flu season, indicating the approaching end of the pandemic.
The question of whether the Democratic Party should "cancel" President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) is raised in this article.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) organized a congressional hearing for lawmakers to share their experiences of the January 6th Capitol riots.
On Presidents Day, the author highlights the significant impact of Martin Van Buren, a president often overlooked by historians.
The appointment of Robert Malley as special envoy to Iran highlights a deepening divide within the Democratic Party.
This podcast episode discusses the unusual dynamics in the Senate runoffs in Georgia, highlighting conflicts within the Democratic party between well-known national figures such as Barack Obama and more radical local politicians like Cori Bush.
Philadelphia Rep. Brendan Boyle, a devoted ally of Joe Biden, reached out to Biden shortly after the 2018 midterm elections, urging him to run for president.
President Joe Biden is facing challenges both in the Middle East and at home with regards to America's foreign policy towards Iran's nuclear program.
Max Rose, a Democratic congressman and former army infantry officer, is running for re-election in a crucial swing district.
The main point of the text is the author's assessment of the vice presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence.